Riyadh: The demise of renowned Saudi Islamic scholar Shaikh Mohammad Bin Muslim Al Othaimeen is a great loss to the Saudi and Arab Islamic community as a whole.

He was an authority in Islamic jurisprudence and various other branches of Shariah. Shaikh Othaimeen was one among the most aged people in the Kingdom. His age was said to be 130.

The Saudi Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice (also known as religious police) is a brain child of Shaikh Al Othaimeen.

The Commission was formed during the year 1926 through a royal decree issued by the founder of Saudi Arabia King Abdul Aziz. Shaikh Al Othaimeen was devoted himself to formulate the principles and laws governing the religious body, which has later turned to be the most controversial institutions in the Kingdom.

Thousands of people attended the funeral prayers for Shaikh Al Othaimeen held in Rania city, located north west of Riyadh. He died a few days ago at Rania General Hospital after prolonged illness.

He served as a judge at various courts in different parts of the Kingdom, including Rania, and Samta in the southern Jizan region.

He also served as imam and preacher at a mosque in Rania named after him. Shaikh Al Othaimeen is author of several books in Islamic jurisprudence, monotheism and other branches of Islamic Shariah.