Where there is a will there is a way — is something that my science teacher would always tell us on every Monday morning assembly. While it used to be a cliché, I now understand what she meant. If you really want to do something, you will find a way and if you don’t, you will find an excuse for it. Recently, I happened to overhear two women having a conversation about their workplace on the Metro. One of them was arguing that her company should provide transport and accommodation because of the low salary provided, long working hours and lack of breaks etc. The other woman replied saying that if she thinks that her situation was bad, hers was even worse.

I felt that I could understand their frustration as I have been there, too, and I complained about my situation to everyone that bothered to listen to me. However, I came to a point where I realised that my situation was not due to my boss because he does not hold my life nor does he have a responsibility to sort my life out. It is my responsibility to design the life I want to live.

Life is a journey, so try to make it adventurous and in order to do so, you need to explore all options that are available for you.

Instead of spending your day complaining about your day, try to enjoy it because a day spent well, will end well. If only all of us would use our resources well; we would not only change our own life but also the lives of those around us. With that in mind, I have made the choice to stop complaining and instead work hard no matter what the situation is. Keep digging because hard work pays off and you are the one who holds the key to your own rescue.

— The reader is a Kenyan photographer based in Dubai