Usually, the highlight of my week is the weekend walk along Ajman's shoreline, right from the marina up to Coral Beach Resort. I love watching the waves and collecting shells that the waves deposit on the beach.

However, I feel very sad to see empty crisp packets or broken bottles, bakery bags and plastic tea cups spoiling the beauty of this lovely stretch of beach.

Parents should instill a sense of responsibility in children from an early age and urge them to keep their surroundings clean.

I have noticed that since January, the opening of new fast food restaurants in the area has caused an increase in the amount of garbage being dumped on the beach by weekend merrymakers.

Many dustbins have been provided, but most beachgoers are just too lazy to walk the few yards to deposit their garbage into these bins.

I feel that the authorities should fine people who litter the beach. Additionally, it would help if there was an increase in the patrolling of beaches during weekends, to catch beachgoers in the act of polluting the beach.

The reader is an educator living in Ajman.