Three men who committed suicide at Guantanamo Bay on Saturday morning are accused of undertaking "an act of asymmetric warfare," according to camp commander, Navy Rear-Admiral Harry Harris.

"They are smart. They are creative, they are committed," he said. "They have no regard for life, either ours or their own. I believe this was not an act of desperation, but an act of asymmetrical warfare waged against us."

The suicides have caused global outrage, with Amnesty International calling for the camp to be closed.

William Goodman from the New York-based Center for Constitutional Rights said, "These people are despairing because they are being held lawlessly. There's no end in sight. They're not being brought before any independent judges. They're not being charged and convicted for any crime."

What do you think about the deaths of three inmates at Guantanamo Bay? Should Guantanamo bay be closed down now? Does Camp Delta serve a real purpose? Should an independent country/organization be allowed to police the suspects? Were the suicides 'an act of warfare' or 'a product of desperation'?

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The US has already made this world the most dangerous place to live since the world began - so many continuous lies, only to implement an agenda that benefits themselves. Authentication of any news is hard to believe, so the US should do something to improve their damaged image caused by so many lies and the torture in Abu Gharib and Gitmo.
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Let them all go. Close Guantanamo. This has been an embarrassment for the US for quite some time. I don't know where we lost our feel for humanity, or our knowledge of proper procedure, but I believe that halting it now would be in the best interest of all.
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These are not suicides. These deaths are a result of harsh torture by US forces. Three deaths are nothing for the US - they have killed many more human beings all over the world.  Guantanamo Bay should be closed down immediately, as it is run illegally and the people behind this heinous crime should be punished. I wonder how the US government would react if Americans soldiers were held in similar way in Syria or Iran. This type of torture proves who the real terrorists are.

It's SHAMEFUL that in this day and age that the US can commit such an atrocity as to hold more than 400 men in detention without trial! If it were happening to US citizens anywhere else in the world there would be hell to pay. I say, get them out of there now and give them their lives back before there are more suicides.

Guantanamo Bay is yet another example of US arrogance towards the rest of the world. All the greatness that America painfully attained during the past two to three centuries is being pitifully washed away within these couple of years by the slogan "war on terror".  I wonder why the American people don't rise against this "treason". Guantanamo Bay should be moved to the United States and all the Dicks and Harrys behind this dirty slogan should be put behind bars for the rest of their lives.
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These unfortunate Arabs were most likely tortured to death. Those brothers of Islam - whether they are innocent or guilty of "terror" deserve either to be legally charged in a proper court or immediately released.
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It is sad to hear of the three suicides at Guantanamo Bay. It indicates the meanness of US rule. It is time for us all to protest against non-humanitarian acts.
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Anyone in the mental health field KNOWS that any suicide talk must be taken seriously. The pronouncement by the US Navy that this was an "attention getting" device is absolutely bad medicine. The American Psychiatrists Association has voted to not take part in any activities at Guantanamo now while the American Association of Psychologists still "rationalises" their participation. It's time for people to wake up and say ENOUGH. There is NO EXCUSE for what is happening. I also wonder if the Yemeni who has died is the same one who gave information to CBS regarding the desecration of the Koran by US guards? It was pointed out in news stories that the "leaker" of the true details was a Yemeni.
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Guantanamo is just another excuse for torturing innocent Muslims. Some are criminals, but not all of them. The place defies all conventions, even by religious standards. I wonder how the government would react if Americans were held in a similar cell in Iran? These suicides, it just proves who the real terrorists of this century really are.
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Those prisoners at Guantanamo are probably being treated better than they have ever been in their lives. They are fed and clothed and housed in more comfort than one fourth of the persons on this earth. They are slowly being released and returned to their homelands as the US comes to believe they are no further threat to humanity. These people have demonstrated that they have no thought for the value of any human life. They cannot be released lightly. No Middle Eastern prison has ever treated its captives as well.
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Imagine if Rear Adm. Harry Harris was put under conditions like Guantanamo Bay detainees for five years without trial or justice; away from family and loved ones, suffering inhumane torture and seeing no end to it. Presume that happens! If he then commits suicide we would not call it an act of warfare but would sympathise for him as a minimum act of humanity. Around the globe, irrespective of one's religion or nationality, any human being with a living soul would not have said that except for those who are a part of the so called "War on Terror," since the very basis of that is injustice and torture.
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What is happening at Guantanamo Bay camp is really so inhumane. Everybody is crying to close it, but [the authorities] seem to be hearing impaired.
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