Every New Year, I resolve not to make any resolutions as they are a sure-shot way to get a heart-burn, trying to live up to my silly expectations.

When you do not have any plans to steer the way you wish to live your life, things start to calm down and you are happy that you did not fall into that trap of becoming a better person and you do not have to move away from that comfortable couch.

I am sure you are a grown-up person, wise in the ways of life and know the dangers of falling for the nonsense that many of the so-called life-coaches seem to propound just before a new year starts.

Once I fell for the hype and this happened to me because I was naive and did not know that it was impossible to change one’s mind-set after a certain number of years. “Realise your full potential,” said one life-coach who has made a fortune, telling people what to do with their lives and as I read through her book, I got this false sense of pride that I too am capable of doing something with my life.

That feeling of euphoria lasted for a couple of hours as I realised the secret of how great people organise their lives and that it was now time for me to ring in the change.

Always make a list of what you wish to accomplish, said the life-coach and as I sat down to type out the list, it became apparent to me that I would not be able to stop at number 10 and will have to continue typing through the night.

“Do you know why you are stuck in your life where you are?” thundered the life-coach at me through the pages of her book as she pretended to sweeten up the tough talk by saying that I was unique and there was no one else like me. “Thank God, for that,” said my wife, when I told her I was unique.

“Step out from your comfort zone,” said the coach. “We all make the mistake of giving up even before we start,” she said. “I am not that silly and I am made up of stronger stuff,” I told myself as I looked at the list on the first day of the brand new year.

The first thing that was on my list was not to sit and stare at my laptop screen the whole day. “I will move my eyes away from the screen every 10 minutes and look at a distance away,” read my resolution.

“What are you thinking?” asked my wife as I stared out of the window with a blank look on my face. “Do I have to be thinking all the time? Can’t I blank out my mind from time to time to give it a rest,” I blurted out, irritated. (Well, I fell into that trap myself and you can imagine what her answer was).

“Make some ‘me-time’ for yourself. Remember you are important for you,” said the life-coach. “Where are you going?” asked my wife as I whistled and took my car keys. “I need time out from you guys,” I told her. “Don’t be silly, you are a father now,” she said. “We have a doctor’s appointment and you have to pick up our son from his extra coaching class.”

Then the life-coach advised me to get the negative people out of my life. I sniggered when I read that aloud to my wife and my ears are still ringing from her response.

So, now I am looking forward to a wonderful 365 days with no worries of changing myself. I was made this way for a reason.