Never stop
I urge Gulf News to never get tired of making us aware and opening our eyes and hearts to the pain and suffering of creatures be they humans, abandoned cats, and dogs or camels that have died from eating plastic bags (“Abu Dhabi circus organiser denies connection to lion cub salesman”, Gulf News, March 25). The recent report about the poor little lion cubs was horrible. We are happy that they are in safe hands now. Hopefully, they will recover, thanks to the team at Gulf News. Never stop investigating!
From Ms Ina Rau

King of the jungle
The report on the [illegal trade of] lion cubs was heartbreaking. There seems to be just too much pain for these cubs. I wonder how the breeder would feel if he was trapped in that cage for life, in the middle of the desert and under the sun, crawling to get water with a chain around his neck. A lion is the king of the jungle that is where they can truly be lions, and look great. Human beings have destroyed everything these lions symbolise. Shame on us.
From Mr Nehmat
Johannesburg, South Africa

Worth reading
I would like to congratulate Gulf News on its recent uncovering of animal abuse and illegal trade. While it is absolutely heart-wrenching to see animals in such conditions, it is more important that the public is made aware of such things that are happening in the country. I think many readers including myself will appreciate follow-up stories on Harry and the lion cubs. I wish them all well, and I hope that they will soon be living in their natural habitat. The excellent photos truly helped to enhance the importance of the articles. Keep up the good work.
From Ms Zsuzsanna Schreck

Disgraceful act

What an absolute disgrace. Well done Gulf News, for exposing this trade. The officials need to take lion cubs away from these disgraceful people and hand them over to places such as the wildlife park in Al Ain, where they would be able to live a life they truly deserve. Surely they have a responsibility to ensure animals’ lives are not endangered and if this circus is not taking care of the animals, they should take them away from the group. Those involved in the trade should be ashamed of themselves. I hope the tourism authorities cancel the permission for such horrendous travelling circuses and prevent them from coming to the city. I hope this situation is resolved quickly and favourably. Such things should not happen in this day and age. It is really awful.
From Ms Natalie

Time for action
Thank you Gulf News for highlighting this atrocity. I wish I had space or money to take care of these big cats. I am counting on UAE officials to stop this atrocity and give proper attention and care to these poor animals.
From Mr Robert

Reunion needed
The report on lion cubs was heart-wrenching. Serious action should be taken against such illegal traders and they should also be fined heftily for endangering lives of innocent wild animals. Also, the cubs should be reunited with their mother so that she can nourish them with her milk. Some legal action has to be taken against this inhumane cruelty.
From Ms Nodrat Hadiawala

End the brutality
There is a need for an immediate and strict crackdown on illegal animal trade in the country. We have been appalled and sickened by the reports of animal cruelty reported in Gulf News – first with Harry the crocodile, and now the two lion cubs. How could one watch the video of the lame cubs and not be moved? This brutality must end, and it can only happen with the lawmakers and the enforcement of animal welfare legislation. Random inspections by the authorities in notorious animal markets would also help give respite to these poor creatures. They deserve to live their lives!
From Mr Joseph K. Riley
Abu Dhabi

Nothing changes
Why just blame the sellers? Nothing can change unless people are willing to do away with purchasing animals and encouraging this illegal trade.
From Mr Sam

It starts with you
I started my day with tears rolling down my face. It was heartbreaking to see the photographs and video, with the feeling of being helpless to do anything to stop or change the horrible abuse of these beautiful, magnificent and intelligent animals. I would like to know whether there are specific ways in which these particular animals shown in the outstanding investigative report by Gulf News — can be helped and saved from further horrendous abuse at the hands of their owners. It is just unbearable to know that this is happening right here. I can imagine what goes on behind the scenes in such circuses, during preparations for performances. Big cats enslaved in the circus are often subjected to brutal training techniques. When they are not being forced to perform, they live in filthy cramped boxes and within the confines of these tight quarters, the cats become severely neurotic. The one species on the planet that tortures, torments and otherwise abuses other living beings for amusement or financial gain, is a human being. I hope that suffering caused by the choices and actions of humans comes to a stop. I want humanity to awaken to the compassion within them and change the way the world too often operates. When we are finished reading this report, we feel that compassion within our hearts stir and we feel motivated to do something about what we have read or what we have watched. The question is what can we do? We could find out when this circus is scheduled to be in Abu Dhabi. We can be there when the circus arrives, to [raise our voices against] the cruelty they are profiting from we can bring along a camera for documentation and protection of the animals and ourselves. We can tell circus patrons about the barbarity and backwardness they are supporting by buying tickets. With the help of Gulf News, we can get ideas out about what we can do to help. I do not want to believe there isn’t a lot we can do. I urge Gulf News to help us be better informed of legal ways to confront the atrocity we witnessed in the report on the front page of our favourite newspaper.
From Ms Daniela Micheva
Abu Dhabi

Let them go
I was very depressed when reading about [the state of] the lion cubs. These poor cubs should be taken by the relevant authorities and given to an animal rights organisation that would be able to care for them. I hope these cubs are released. I would like to thank Gulf News, for bringing this story to the public’s attention.
From Mr Mohammad
Website comment


Heal the cubs
I strongly urge the authorities to please intervene in this case and provide the lion cubs with access to medical care. They must take immediate action for the sake of these poor cubs.
From Mr Hrishikesh G. Bobhate