The developments in Syria over the past two days are an indication of the dangers threatening the future of the country. As the situation escalates, it is critical that the country does not fall into the abyss of the unknown. There is no reason for Syria to fall victim to a civil war or be engulfed in a state of total chaos. And hence, all measures taken by all the parties involved from now on will ascertain the shape as much as the direction of where the country is heading.

The deadly blast in Damascus on Wednesday has rocked the seat of power in the capital. The explosion targeted a meeting of top security figures of Syrian President Bashar Al Assad’s regime and has claimed many important military personnel. Those who have been killed are key to the regime’s campaign thus far against the uprising.

It is this group of senior officials which has ensured that the regime is sustained by adopting an iron fist approach against any voice that rose against it. And it is this group that has sanctioned the most brutal and merciless means of dealing with the opposition across all cities and villages.

Hence, the blast has taken the fight between the regime and the opposition to a new level of confrontation.

There is no question that Wednesday’s explosion in Damascus has given the opposition the momentum they have been waiting for. It reflects an operational advancement as well as the fact that the armed opposition is closer to its end goal of ending the rule of the regime.

But the fighting in Damascus will prove to be dangerous and will come with its own challenges. This is because of the nature of the city and more so because the regime will retaliate with fierce fighting. Hence, as the clashes intensify, it is important that the shadow of a civil war or a disintegration of the nation does not come close to being a reality.