Water is one of the most precious resources we possess — and every effort must be made to ensure it’s not wasted. Under new regulations coming into effect in the UAE, every new washing machine sold will need to comply with new specifications to ensure water — and electricity — isn’t wasted in the mundane task of doing the laundry.

At least 2 billion litres of water will be saved each year with the introduction of these new regulations, and our annual carbon footprint will be reduced by 42,000 tonnes as well.

It’s all to easy to forget the environmental toll laundry exacts. Detergents can be harmful if waste water isn’t treated properly, power and water resources are soaked up along with every rinse cycle.

These new regulations may seem excessive — they’re not. Any and every measure must be taken to ensure that we leave this Earth in the same or better condition for future generations.

If you’re buying a new appliance, whether a washing machine, air-conditioner or fridge, buy the most energy-efficient one possible.

It is, after all, our collective responsibility to think globally and act locally.