Why do we love America? Many in Arab countries wonder what the reason behind our affection for the United States is. Some believe it is not love but the fear of America and its military power, political influence and its economy, which remains the strongest in the world despite all disasters that have befallen it.

In contrast, the Arab world has now reached a stage wherein it cannot defend its honour and dignity anymore, signifying weakness and humiliation.

As Arabs, we claim that our relationship with such a superpower stems from our fear, which is blanketed by love, so as to hide the fear.

As a result of this love-fear relationship, we keep silent and turn a blind eye to all crimes and atrocities committed by the US against the Arabs.

But, despite all this, there are a lot of things to be loved about the US.


We love America because it was under colonial occupation like most Arab countries. The Americans struggled to liberate their country from British colonialism.

The US benefited from its experience of liberation by laying out international legal principles and rules that justify the use of all means by oppressed people and countries under occupation to achieve their right to self-determination and regain their freedom and independence.

Following in America’s footsteps, many countries adopted the same approach to achieve their national liberation, and regain their pride and dignity.

Furthermore, the US contributed to the liberation of some countries morally and militarily. When the US was a strong advocate of the freedom and dignity of oppressed people, it managed to introduce its exceptional constitution, which is considered one of the best and most prestigious constitutions in the world due to its emphasis on human rights and respect for US citizens.

Also, the US has contributed effectively to halting the communist expansion in some of our countries, especially the Gulf States, and helped drive the Soviet Union out of Afghanistan.

The credit also goes to the US for its role in stopping the Tripartite Aggression against Egypt in 1956 by Israel, Britain and France, which is also known as the Suez Canal War.

In fact, the course of history would have changed in Egypt and in all other Arab countries without the US intervention.

Consequently, Egypt supported Arab countries in achieving their independence.

No one can deny that the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) would not have been founded without the immense efforts of the late Egyptian president Jamal Abdul Nasser. All these achievements, the latest of which was the liberation of Kuwait, would not have been possible without American intervention.

Land of dreams

Most scientists and researchers like America because it has always been “the land of dreams”, where an advanced research and information infrastructure is available for scientists and researchers in any field — science, arts, literature, economics and aviation.

This is in addition to available research tools, labs, funds and grants for research and participatory partnerships at all levels. Add to this the adoption of promotion and marketing strategies.

Above all, an American patents and the “Made in USA” tag are seen as guaranteeing buyer confidence.

The US still retains some of these qualities and merits for which we love it. But, America is now distancing itself from the values of justice, freedom and dignity, and many people around the world are labelling it as a devil. This is due to foolish acts committed by some American leaders.

For instance, the Vietnamese people remember nothing about America except atrocities committed by US troops in their country.

This is the case with many Iraqis, Afghans, Yemenis, and Somalis, except for a few who have been chosen by Washington to be in power in these countries.

Palestinians represent a special example of the relationship between the Arabs and the US. They know what exactly America means for them after many Palestinians migrated to the country. The Palestinians like America as a “cat loves its choke hold” or as a necessary evil.

Many Palestinian leaders resort to US help once they know that there is no way of solving their problems except through Washington, and they cannot stop the Israeli aggression against them without American help.

The rest of the Arabs have followed suit. They applauded the US for the liberation of Kuwait.

The Arabs also call for America to take action against terrorism. Even Arab women, if they want to complain against the denial of their rights endorsed by international conventions on women’s rights, approach America for help.

Arab women also seek help from Washington if they want to punish their spouses, as America is the only country that can do everything without any accountability.

Dr Khalifa Rashid Al Shaali is an Emirati writer who specialises in legal affairs.