The recurring episodes of women being molested and harassed, even sexually, in India once again demands a review of just what are the factors that lead to such scourges attaining a historic longevity that severely rends its socio-cultural fabric. The recent episode of a young female Bollywood actor being molested by a middle aged male on board a plane has left behind a deep sense of distaste. The young woman’s stand against the act of molestation, and her going public with her condemnation of the behaviour, along with the groundswell of support for the young actor in India, are encouraging evidence of the Indian society’s shift on women’s issues. The concurrent forces of Indian women shedding their fear of social stigma along with the rising tide of women’s voices naming and shaming male perpetrators of sexual abuse worldwide are adding urgency to the issue of gender respect and its role in creating more balanced, healthier societies.

Any society which cannot effectively address the disrespect, abuse and exploitation of its women is doomed to corrosion that can lead to hollowed out generations of young boys and girls growing into adulthood with a distorted idea of gender roles.

One of the biggest challenges India faces, given its staggering diversity of cultures and norms, and its socioeconomic disparities, is to create a level ground for women in terms of the respect and dignity they deserve irrespective of their background.

Agreed, this is a gargantuan task. But India’s history sheet has proven time and again that for every outmoded tradition or regressive sociocultural mindset that has tripped up its 21st century progress, it is equally endowed with the resilience and progressive virtues that will help it make a difference.