Karachi: Opposition leader Benazir Bhutto was shot in the head, a close aide who prepared her body for burial said on Saturday.

Sherry Rehman dismissing as "ludicrous" a government theory that Bhutto died after hitting her head on a sunroof during the suicide attack on Thursday.

Rehman, a spokeswoman for the Pakistan People's Party, was in the car behind her at the end of a political rally when an attacker fired shots at Bhutto and then blew himself up.

Officials said after the assassination that Bhutto had been shot in the neck and head, but on Friday the government said she died after hitting her head on a sunroof lever.

"She has a bullet wound at the back of her head on the left side. It came out the other. That was a very large wound, and she bled profusely through that," Rehman said.

"She was even bleeding while we were bathing her for the burial," she added. "The government is now trying to say she concussed herself, which is ludicrous."

Rehman said the government had denied Bhutto the security measures she had been asking for.

"It's sad, but it looks like an attempt at either at a cover up or absolving themselves from responsibility, or both," she said.

The government also blamed an Al Qaida-linked militant of killing Bhutto, saying it had obtained evidence, but on Friday, the militant denied the claims.

"I strongly deny it. Tribal people have their own customs. We don't strike women," Bailtullah Mehsud said through his spokesman Maulvi Omar.