Augsburg: She strays around the campus, is loved by students and even has her own Facebook page: a reddish-coloured cat has become the feline star of Augsburg University in Bavaria in southern Germany. Her biggest fan is Akilnathan Logeswaran.

The student of business studies was aware of the cat for some time, but this spring, a friendship struck up between the two.

During his preparations for exams the cat sat day in and day out on a boardwalk beside the university library and was caressed by students. “It became almost a routine and took away the stress from everyone a bit,” the 24-year-old says.

Logeswaran was fascinated by the “Campus Cat” and last summer he created a Facebook page for it.

“In the beginning there were only with two pictures, which I had taken the same day,” he says. But now he receives several emails a week with pictures of the cat sleeping peacefully in the arms of students.

The university’s spokesperson stresses that the cat is not a stray cat but a “totally normal and tenderly cared for house cat” from the university’s neighbourhood. The owner of the cat has been well known to him for many years, he says.

The animal’s publicity seems to be limited though to certain areas of study.

When asked whether they know the “Campus Cat” most students of the mathematics faculty react by shaking their heads.

A cat with a love for certain sciences? Logeswaran is dismissive.

“I believe it’s because there are some places on the campus with more green areas.” But even without the mathematicians’ “likes”, the Facebook page of “CampusCat” has far overtaken the Augsburg University page.