Dubai: Dubai gets a step closer to achieving its goal of replacing 50 per cent of its taxi fleet with hybrid vehicles as 10 more hybrid vehicles hit the roads.

Dubai Taxi corporation (DTC), a subsidiary of Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) on Wednesday announced that it has introduced Lexus, Model ES300H hybrid vehicles in its luxury taxi fleet.

The move comes as part of a master plan to reduce carbon emissions by 2 per cent as called for by the Supreme Council of Energy in Dubai, while also conforming to the green economy transition.

“The Dubai Taxi Corporation is making every effort to generate innovative ideas and utilise the latest technologies to leverage the operational efficiency of its taxicabs, and conserve energy and environment,” said Yousuf Mohammad Al Ali, CEO of Dubai Taxi Corporation.

In 2008, the DTC commissioned a test run of 10 hybrid vehicles, resulting in diminishing carbon emissions by 34 per cent and cutting fuel consumption by 27 per cent per vehicle.

The DTC now operates of 385 eco-friendly hybrid vehicles.

The DTC’s Five-Year Plan for 2021 approved converting 50 per cent, which 5,000 vehicles of its fleet into environment-friendly hybrid vehicles.

“The DTC shall undertake initiatives and plans capable of ensuring a sustainable environment and reducing consumption using solar power generators in cabbies’ accommodation, not to mention the treatment and reuse of water at DTC’s automated car wash station,” said Al Ali.