Dubai A tailor lost his appeal and will spend three months behind bars for getting drunk and molesting a housewife in a street before pedestrians stopped him and handed him to the police.

The 22-year-old Pakistani tailor, F.A., consumed alcohol before he surprised his countrywoman, while she was walking to her house, and groped her in October.

The Dubai Appeal Court dismissed F.A.’s appeal for a reduced punishment and upheld his three-month jail term.

Court records said when the Pakistani woman cried for help after the defendant molested her at 11pm, a number of pedestrians chased the defendant and restrained him. They kept hold of him until the police came and took him into custody.

Presiding judge Eisa Mohammad Al Sharif confirmed the defendant’s primary sentence after F.A. pleaded guilty but sought leniency in his appeal.

“I groped her, but it was unintentionally. I did not mean to do so because I was so drunk. I am seeking a lenient verdict,” F.A. argued before the appeal court.

Presiding judge Al Sharif said the accused will be deported after serving his jail term.

The accused claimed in court that he was under the influence of alcohol when he mistakenly touched the housewife.

Records said the woman dropped her complaint.

The woman claimed during questioning that the defendant took her by surprise and touched her indecently.

“I shouted at him immediately and he started running. Pedestrians chased him down the street and stopped him. I called the police,” she claimed.

The appellate ruling remains subject to appeal before the Cassation Court within 28 days.