Dubai: A public relations director is challenging a one-year jail term that he was given for hurling a hard object at a security officer and injuring his eye after a nightclub fight.

The Syrian director, F.B., tossed the hard object angrily at the Jordanian security officer, M.F., when they fought at a nightclub in a mall in 2013. M.F. was cleared of beating F.B.

Meanwhile, F.B., who lost his appeal as the Dubai Appeal Court upheld his one-year imprisonment, has challenged the appellate verdict before the Dubai Cassation Court.

In his appeal before Dubai’s highest court, the Syrian defendant is seeking to have his sentence overturned in a last attempt to prove his innocence. A hearing before the Cassation Court will be scheduled soon.

The Appeal Court confirmed F.B.’s one-year jail term for assaulting M.F. and causing him a permanent disfigurement in his eye.

According to the appellate judgement, the Jordanian’s acquittal was also upheld.

Dubai Police’s forensic examiner confirmed that M.F. sustained two injuries in his nose and eye. Medical reports confirmed that the Jordanian’s nose injury healed within a few days.

His eyesight, however, was affected and his vision was slightly impaired.

Forensic doctors estimated M.F.’s visual impairment as a 20 per cent permanent disability.

The duo pleaded not guilty and each party accused the other of initiating the assault.

Meanwhile M.F.’s civil lawsuit in which he sought Dh21,000 in temporary compensation for his injury was dismissed.

The Jordanian said F.B. tossed a hard object at his eye when they had a fight, the cause of which remains ambiguous.

A policeman testified that the assault took place near a mall in Jebel Ali.

“Once I reached the location for investigations, M.F. was sitting inside an ambulance getting treatment for his eye injury. He was bleeding. When I asked him what happened, he claimed that the Syrian hurled a rock in his face,” said the policeman.

A Lebanese club manager testified that he spotted M.F. punching F.B. while pulling him outside the club.