Antalya: The support of Gulf countries for the Freedom Flotilla has been noticeably visible with many activists from Kuwait and Bahrain coming in their national dress to represent their countries.

The flotilla's younger participants wore jackets with the flags of their countries prominently displayed on the back. The Kuwaiti team consists of 19 people. One of the flotilla's ships has been donated by Kuwaitis and is expected to fly the Kuwaiti flag.

Also in the Kuwaiti team is Dr Waleed Tabtabai, a conservative member of the Kuwaiti parliament, who is on his second attempt to break the Israel blockade on the Gaza Strip.

"The role of Gulf countries in Gaza has not been confrontational," he said, commenting on the participation of Gulf nations.

"It is largely logistical, political and philanthropic, and they would rather see reconciliation between the two sides in Palestine [Hamas and the Palestinian Authority]."

He added, however, that he did not foresee himself entering Gaza.

"Israel might not let us in but that will cost Israel a lot. It's not in its interest," he said.

"Our gesture here is not just humanitarian. It is political too. We're taking a stand against the occupation of Gaza".