Beirut: Lebanon's anti-Syrian Industry Minister Pierre Gemayel has been assassinated near Beirut, Lebanon's official news agency reported.

Gemayel was reportedly shot to death in his convoy as it was passing through a Christian neighbourhood near Beirut.

World leaders react to the assassination:

"We were shocked by this assassination, we view it as an act of terrorism."
Nicholas Burns,
US Undersecretary of State

"We believe the hand of Syria is all over the place... We will bring justice to all those who killed him."
Saad Al Hariri,
Lebanese parliamentary majority leader

"The killing of Pierre Gemayel was completely without any justification at all. We condemn this murder utterly."
Tony Blair,
British Prime Minister

"The assassination of Lebanese Industry Minister Pierre Gemayel is a new attempt to destabilise Lebanon."
Philippe Douste-Blazy,
French Foreign Minister

"Clearly we condemn it we are dismayed ... There are enough problems in Lebanon already."
Margaret Beckett,
British Foreign Secretary