Dubai: Childhood obesity has become a big cause for concern in the UAE as a sizeable percentage of children in the 5-13 age group fall in the mild–morbidly obese category.

Dr Anees Syed, Chief of Paediatrics at the Medcare Paediatric Speciality Clinic, cautioned: “Studies indicate that nearly 15-20 per cent of obese children grow up to be obese adults which is not only a threat to their health but also causes a big drain on the national health budget as is happening in the West.”

He attributes the childhood obesity epidemic to consumption of processed foods, soft drinks, large servings of fast food and sedentary lifestyles where children prefer staying indoors and tinkering with electronic games and gizmos. “In this region the hot and humid weather is a deterrent for children to go out and physically exert themselves, besides parents are not really very persistent in ensuring the children get a wholesome home-cooked, well-balanced diet and also exercise. Parents are often indulgent and are not able to discipline children on these issues,” he said.

Dr Syed thinks while it is fine for children to have some incentive such as the promise of their favourite toy or book, to lose weight, motivating them with a gold bribe may not be a good thing. “Children who may lose weight to earn the gold will probably be motivated to achieve the results by going on a crash diet and might do so for the period the scheme is on and then bounce back to their original or more weight as they will find it difficult to keep up with a crash diet.”

Dr Syed added: “A kilo a month is perhaps too much for an obese child to lose as we normally advise such a child to lose up to half a kilo each month. Even if a child loses 5-6kg in a year, it is good as the child is growing and is likely to become leaner as he gains height. Parents should motivate children to eat a healthy balanced meal with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and encourage them to exercise so that they lose weight naturally. Setting realistic goals with simple incentives is important in motivating children to lose weight. Any kind of fad diet to achieve quick results will boomerang,” he cautioned.