Dubai: After shark sightings at Al Mamzar beach park last week authorities are asking the public not to panic despite lifeguards calling bathers to get out of the water.

An official from the Al Mamzar beach management confirmed that a shark had been spotted near the rocks at the beach but urged the public not to worry as it was not dangerous and was probably "lost".

According to an eye witness in mid-afternoon on Saturday the lifeguards started blowing their whistles for people to get out of the water.

"The tide was out and the water was really shallow, you could walk for awhile and remain waist deep. Once the whistle was blown people starting asking each other what was wrong and the rumour spread that a shark had been spotted," said a woman.

"We went back on Sunday morning and the beach was near empty and again the lifeguards blew their whistles for us get out of the water because a shark had been seen in the rocks," she said.

Apparently after about two hours people started going back into the sea. The type of shark seen by the bathers is unknown.

"When the water is clean and clear some people saw a shark near the rocks and alerted the lifeguards who called everybody out of the water. It is their job to keep people safe. It lasted a moment and then everything went back to normal," said the official.

He said coast guards scoured the area but did not see anything. "This is the first time this has happened here but there is no need to worry. The lifeguards have to react but there is no problem," he said.

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Have you seen a shark in these waters? Are you scared to enter the water because of a fear of sharks? Tell us your story and send your pictures to or fill in the form below to send your comments.

Your comments

Oops! All we need to find is how big it is. My colleagues and myself indulge ourselves in Scuba Diving from time to time. Already the increasing number of jelly fishes is ruining our trips! I guess it is a small one and harmless.

Maybe the people must have seen a fish which must have been large coz as far as I know about sea animals shark needs some deep amount of water that would be around 50 meters to breathe and stay alive. The same was the case with the whale which was found dead.

Isn't there a first time for everything? I would rather not take a risk, thank you very much-especially since no one knows what type the shark is.

We often go to Mamzar Beach park to swim. How authentic is the comment that the shark is not dangerous? We have not heard about "Hermit Sharks" before. Please give authentic news as lives of kids are involved.

Even if the shark is lost, you never know when it would feel hungry. We have seen various episodes on the Discovery Channel of how a shark in a second can slice up the human body. There are so many movies based on them. Sharks have the tendency of smelling human blood from over a distance. I have always been afraid of entering waters because of sharks. Now knowing that one of them is patrolling in the water at Mamzar, I will never take the risk!

Precaution is always is wise thing. If someone has actually spotted a shark, then it is a matter of concern, regardless how dangerous the fish is. Keep your eyes open.

Well there may be a possibility that sharks are getting to breed there. The reason for this is because they are always in search of warm waters. Hence I can conclude that sharks may have started to breed there. And people might have to be cautious.

Shark attack! That's the image clicking to me after this news. Probably as per the officials, the shark must have lost its way and now it's in the middle of nowhere...Public has to take precaution sharks are really dangerous as they look... BEWARE ! !