Abu Dhabi: The population of the UAE currently stands at six million. This comprises both Emiratis and expatriates, senior government officials told Gulf News.

The figure is the result of two major studies carried out on visa registration and the number of people employed in the country.

These figures reveal that the expatriate population is rapidly increasing. The largest group of expatriates hails from India, with 1.75 million currently residing in the UAE. The second largest group is from Pakistan, with about 1.25 million. Roughly 500,000 Bangladeshis stay in the UAE.

Members of other Asian communities, including China, the Philippines, Thailand, Korea, Afghanistan and Iran make up approximately one million of the total population.

Western expatriates, from Europe, Australia, Northern Africa, Africa and Latin America make up 500,000 of the overall population.

Results from the 2005 census showed that the population was 4,104,695, of which 20.1 per cent were Emiratis.

The next population review will be in six months, in April, when the Census 2010 reconvenes.

The population and building census will cost Dh65 million. About 10,000 experts and analysts, including no less than 8,000 statistics officials, will take part in the activity.