Abu Dhabi: Those who are interested in a different world in the sky will be looking for Mars on Wednesday night as the Red Planet comes closer to Earth.

"This phenomenon happens once in two years only and this will be a special view in a decade to come,"  said Nizar Salem, the head of the Emirates Mobile Astronomical Observer  and the member of the Arab Union for Astronomy and Space Sciences (AUASS).
"If you have a telescope, this night will be yours because the telescopic viewing and astrophotography is at its best because the planet appears brighter and bigger than usual, Salem told Gulf News.

His organisation has made an  arrangement for the public to watch an equally important  phenomenon on Friday night at Khalidiya Park in the capital.

"Mars will be directly opposite to the Sun in the sky at 11:48 pm [UAE time]. Professional and amateur astronomers get excited about planetary oppositions because this is when that particular planet is closest to Earth," he explained.