Abu Dhabi: The Law Respect Culture Office has issued its first book identifying workers' rights and duties. The book has been issued in six languages: Arabic, English, Filipino, Chinese, Farsi and Urdu.

"The book will be distributed to federal and national organisations, the labourers' accommodations as well as the various media," said an official.

Workers should be aware of their rights. Each worker has the right to practise freely his religious beliefs. He has the right to be respected and can refuse to show any ID papers when asked to do so till the person asking for the ID proves his identity. He has the right to report any verbal or physical abuse.

In a court session a worker has the right to express himself in his own language and a translator should be provided.

He has the right not to sign papers till he gets the chance to read them or if it is read fully to him in his language.

Workers' right to freedom doesn't give them the right to go on strikes or sabotage property.