Image Credit: Illustration: Nino Jose Heredia/Gulf News

I wonder if some of the pavements here in Abu Dhabi are really meant for the convenience of pedestrians. We often find some ‘not-so-pedestrian-friendly' pavements around the city.

This is especially true when we consider the billboards placed in the middle of the pavements — they are awful. I encounter them every day.

These are in Khalifa Street, a busy road in the capital. The advertisement boards are placed in such a way that if anyone is walking on the pavement, he or she would have to get down onto the main road when passing by the board. This could be quite risky.

I have also seen a couple of other billboards erected in the middle of footpaths, which do not make much sense.

Some billboards are installed at pedestrian crossing points — it obstructs you from seeing the traffic flow, which can be hazardous.

If the billboards are placed at a minimum of a seven foot height or on a wider footpath area, then it would be fine.

Before these billboards cause any fatal accidents, I hope they are removed from the wrong places.

The reader is a resident of Abu Dhabi.

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