As the New Year draws closer, many of us indulge in a moment of introspection on the year gone by. For many people, this reflection would be accompanied by a sense of relief at not having succumbed to despair and negativity after having been put to the test, often unexpectedly. However, some would have also experienced breakthroughs in the old year, restoring their faith in providence and soothing their pain, rejuvenating them emotionally, even physically perhaps, to welcome the new year. For the lucky few, however, the 12 months may have been about wonderful achievements.

Irrespective of whether the year was challenging or not, every new phase of time signals a sense of change.

Dr Saliha Afridi, clinical psychologist, says that when it comes to ringing out the old and ringing in the new — be it a new year, birthday or anniversary — people usually tend to see it as a new chapter in their lives. But this change alone cannot trigger effective coping mechanisms in individuals.

“The most important factor that determines whether you will succeed or not when it comes to fulfilling your objectives is whether you have high self-efficacy,” she says. “This means you believe that you are capable of change, and you believe you have the willpower and commitment to fight for that change.”

The important thing to learn from a tough year, Dr Afridi says, is using challenges and failures to one’s advantage. Wisdow is simply the process of reflecting on them in order to benefit and learn from them.

In tough times, an important element that helps you keep your head above water is hope. Much of this hope can be due to the compassion of individuals who help you in your darkest hour or circumstances that suddenly turn around. These two things are often not mutually exclusive.

Gulf News looks back at the some of its most heart-wrenching reports of individuals caught in tough situations that made 2014 a challenge for them and who, in the wake of the crisis, found compassion coming their way. It restored their hope and also reiterated the deep generosity and kindness of people in the UAE.

We revisit five people who look back on the tough lessons offered by 2014 and of the hopes they have for 2015.