Image Credit: Gulf News Archive

Even though there have been several awareness campaigns in the recent past that focused on preserving natural resources, food, electricity and water, it is disappointing to observe the public deliberately ignoring them.

It seems to be an attitude problem for which continuous awareness is a must. People simply don't care; it is as simple as that.

At the same time, health and safety concepts have received more attention with several initiatives to attract public attention to preserving natural resources, especially food, which is being wasted in a variety of locations.

Food wastage is happening in many ways. The increasing number of family and party gatherings sees large quantities of food wasted quite often.

The frequency of such events is regular, and a lot of food and water is wasted, even though educated people gather during these events.

Unless people are aware of the value of food, they never realise the importance of conserving it for the future.

According to United Nations' reports, more than one-third of the food produced by the world is not being utilised effectively and is going to waste.

Organisers of events must ensure that arrangements are made to effectively dispose the surplus food.

It could be given to those people who are less fortunate.

Charity organisations can be part of social events.

As long as people realise the value of natural resources, and how they are derived, there can be some change in how they are used.

There have to be collection centres in public places, and hotels and restaurants must have alternative plans to utilise leftover food.


— The reader is a quality development manager