Image Credit: Ramaprasad Macharlu Srinivasamur

The UAE is ranked amongst the world’s top tourism destinations. It takes months to build and beautify the different emirates, but the beautification process is only complete when the companies take away the signboards and clean the place after the work is done.

The situation would be much better if the we citizens were actively involved and individually contributed to keep the cities clean. I live in this beautiful city, Dubai. I have noticed in many places that the signboards and rubble are left uncleared after the work on that particular site is complete.

The photographs clearly show the careless dumping by companies involved. In many places, workers leave behind bottles and plastic bags on the site they work on. The pile builds up and since plastic and bottles are not biodegradable, they lie there for a very long time resulting in dirtying the city.

At one place, I saw a rusted wheelbarrow with a broken wheel lying in the sand since a long time. In another place, while photographing birds from the plover family, I saw an abandoned plastic kettle, plastic covers and shoes lying close to the water.

I urge all companies responsible to dispose the trash in appropriate and designated places and be active participants in scaling the emirate as the most beautiful city in the coming years. This mindset not only enhances the beauty of the emirate but also completes social responsibilities from the company’s perspective.

The reader is an assistant manager based in Dubai.

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