Rolls of plastic bags at fruit and vegetable stands should be replaced with "more ecofriendly materials", according to Gulf News reader Fatima Suhail. Image Credit: Fatima Suhail, Gulf News Reader

I would like to draw the attention of people to the increased use of plastic materials in supermarkets. On one hand, we make claims that the use of plastic materials and other plastic-related items are harmful and must be banned. On the other hand, almost everything we use is made from plastic.

One such item that grabbed my attention is the roll of plastic bags used to carry fruits and vegetables in supermarkets.

I feel that these rolls should be replaced by a more eco-friendly material, such as paper or jute. I believe we cannot simply take the major step of banning plastic until and unless we have a step-by-step approach in place, to replace plastic with a better innovation. It would be a substance that is less harmful to the environment and our health, in comparison to plastic.

The drastic change of replacing plastic and switching to alternatives such as paper and jute is not easy and requires time. Only gradually can we adjust to change.

I think this change should start on a minor scale, which would make a big difference to everybody!

The rolls of plastic bags installed at supermarkets' fruit and vegetable sections must be banned and removed. We cannot afford to compromise our health and the environment. Plastic is a non-degradable substance and requires hundreds of years to decompose.

As a result, we are faced with problems such as more waste, increased pollution, more chemicals and bacteria in the air that we breathe — and to make things worse, increased carbon emissions and greenhouse gases, as a consequence of burning down plastic.

What kind of world are we leaving for future generations?

The reader is a student at Preston University, Ajman.

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