Dubai: Bahrain’s court of appeals on Tuesday reduced the sentence against Nabeel Rajab from three to two years. The activist was put on trial in three separate cases on charges of calling for and taking part in illegal gatherings.

The sentences were criticised by international rights groups, but the public prosecution said that Rajab had called in public speeches for “a demonstration to confront public security personnel, inciting violence and escalation against law enforcement officers, resulting in deaths during those confrontations”.

Following his speech, a demonstration raged through Manama, turning into an illegal assembly intending to undermine law and order, block roads and assault public security personnel, the public prosecution said. “This offence is added to Rajab’s indictment in two other cases for participating in illegal practices, inciting illegal assemblies and organising unlicensed demonstrations through social media websites. That incitement caused many riots, roadblocks, fires, destruction of public and private property, use of Molotov cocktail bombs, and assault against public security personnel, leaving a number of them injured.”