Step 1 (Gulf News Archives) Image Credit: Gulf News Archives

Obesity is one of the biggest problems of the modern day. Rising at an alarming rate, it leads to many health troubles. Various techniques and diets are used across the world to combat obesity but not all are effective.

Yoga uses a holistic approach while treating obesity, which it believes is an illness that first begins in the mind. As we become more and more accustomed to a lifestyle that is mechanised, we tend to become obese. To stay healthy, we need to make changes in our lifestyle and diet and also learn to deal with the mental stress of daily lives and address issues that we tend to avoid or ignore due to lack of time.

It is common knowledge that to lose weight a person needs to stay active and eat healthy, but there are many roadblocks on the way. In yoga it is believed that good health does not equate to lack of disease but it is a feeling of well being, not just physically but mentally and emotionally as well.

Through this series we will address issues that lead to obesity and see how to combat them.


Postures for the lower body:



1 Begin with keeping your feet apart and hands by your side.

2 Now inhale and raise your hands up and lock them together close to your ears, as shown.

3 Exhale and get into the squat position, keeping your hands up and back straight.

4 Hold the posture for 10-30 seconds and repeat three rounds.

Note: This posture can also be done as a movement by alternately squaring and straightening your legs. Repeat 10-20 times before halting.



1 Stretches the shoulders and chest.

2 Stretches the thighs, groins, and abdomen.

3 Strengthens the legs and ankles.

4 Improves balance

Caution: People with severe knee pain or injuries must avoid this posture or do it under professional guidance.


VYAGHRASANA (Tiger pose)


1 Begin with standing on your knees and palms as shown. Look straight ahead and breathe normally.

2 Bend your right leg and inhale and take the leg up till you feel a contraction on the lower back and gluteus muscles. Raise your head up here and look up.

3 Now exhale, hunch your back and bring the same leg inwards. Drop your head down and try bringing your forehead towards your knee as shown.

4 Repeat the same on the left side and breathe accordingly.

5 Hold the posture for 10-30 seconds on each side. This posture can be done as a movement by swinging the legs up and down for 10-15 rounds.



1 This posture loosens the back and tones the spinal nerves.

2 It relaxes the sciatic nerves, relieving sciatica, and loosens up the legs and hip joints.

3 It tones the female reproductive organs and is especially beneficial for women after child birth.

4 It stretches the abdominal muscles, promotes digestion and stimulates blood circulation.

5 Weight is reduced from the hips and thighs.

Note: This posture can be practised by all.

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