Step 1 (Gulf News Archive) Image Credit: Gulf News Archive

MANIPURA CHAKRA (navel chakra)

Meaning: manipura means the “lustrous jewel”

Location: manipura chakra is located at a four-finger space above the navel. It is also known as the solar plexus.

The manipura chakra is commonly referred to as the brain in the belly and it is responsible for our inner strength and confidence. It is this energy centre that manages our digestive systems and habits that get formed due to emotional imbalances. Some of the most common problems with an imbalanced manipura are eating and digestive disorders, depression, low self confidence and mental tiredness.

Confidence and the will to live, work and be successful is the most important quality for a person to have. Only when you have a go-getter attitude can you achieve anything in life. The manipura controls this attitude of the mind. This energy is also referred to as the fire in the belly that allows you to fight all situations in life with a positive attitude and to have the confidence that you will emerge victorious out of it.

A person with a weak or blocked manipura usually carries a nervous belly and fears for the worst. By practising yoga the manipura can be unblocked and many issues of attitude can be sorted.

Note: Though these postures are easy to do and can be done by all at home, as with all exercise, it’s advisable to consult a doctor before starting them.



1. Lie flat on your stomach with your hands and legs stretched out.

2. Bend your legs and hold the ankles with your hands.

3. As you inhale raise the legs off the ground as shown, keeping the rest of the body on the ground.

4. Exhale and raise the rest of the body as well off the ground and balance on your core or abdomen region.

5. Hold this pose from 10-30 seconds and breathe normally.


1. Stretches the entire front of the body, ankles, thighs and groins, abdomen and chest, and throat, and deep hip flexors (psoas)

2. Strengthens the core hence working on controlling of emotions.

3. Strengthens the back muscles

4. Improves posture

5. Stimulates the organs of the abdomen and neck

Caution: Persons suffering from lower back pain must consult a professional before doing this posture.




1. Begin by lying flat on your back with your hands and legs by your side.

2. Inhale and raise your hands over your head.

3. As you exhale raise both your hands and legs off the mat balancing on your tail bone and putting load on the abdomen. The posture resembles a boat .

4. Breathe normally here and hold the posture from 10-30 seconds.

5. Repeat the whole posture 2-3 times for best results.


1. Strengthens the abdomen, hip flexors and spine

2. Stimulates the kidneys, thyroid and prostate glands, and intestines

3. Helps relieve stress

4. Improves digestion

Caution: people with lower back problems can keep their knees slightly bent while doing this posture.

For further details contact 800YOGA(800-9642) or visit us at artisticyoga.com