Unlike New Year, which is midnight, December 31, every year, the star signs begin at different hours and, sometimes, on different dates. These are linked to the seasons Image Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

Aries (March 20 – April 19)

Being an impatient, industrious fire sign, nothing holds you back. When something needs to be done, you will do what you can and plan what you can’t. But with Aries eclipses, in April and October, bringing sudden changes, ensure arrangements are flexible.

The year 2014 is all about joint efforts, which means teaming up with others or, possibly, changes in the lives of those closest at home or work. This will reshape your habits, thinking or even life.

While, initially, their slow pace is frustrating, it teaches you patience. You will soon benefit from shared skills and knowledge. Better yet, these powerful links also introduce you to new, and often unfamiliar, joys.


Love and relationships

During 2014, it may seem you are constantly making changes because of the needs or, perhaps, demands of others. Some may even seem a compromise. Yet, these unsettling developments will broaden your horizons. The resulting experiences, encounters and knowledge will benefit you for years.


Finances and work

Paying close attention to the wise use of your time and money may not be exciting. But with practical Saturn accenting these from late 2012, until the end of 2014, you have little choice. By now, however, those efforts are paying off.


Health and well being

Important as eating well may be, as an Aries you benefit from regular, vigorous movement. It could be a brisk walk, time in the gym or even dancing, or a combination of all. And this year, doing it with others is key.


Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Your 2014 is dominated by sudden changes and practical matters that require your personal attention. That may not sound exciting, but each draws you into new or unfamiliar territory.

What you learn, experience and those you meet raise questions about elements of your life you have regarded as unchanging. At first, you are cautious but the Taurus eclipse in late April is a turning point. After that, you will be far more inquisitive. Often it’s others who introduce these, but soon you are on a rewarding path of exploration and discovery.

You also recognise activities and alliances that are familiar but no longer rewarding. Suddenly it’s easy to say farewell to these and hello to an exciting future.


Love and relationships

Being ruled by the planet of harmony, Venus, you work hard to achieve and sustain rewarding relations with family, friends and loved ones. Lately, however, there has been a price. Finally, you discuss issues. While challenging initially, this exchanges persistent issues for unexpected joys.


Finances and work

The cautious mood around you and in your own life may be wise. However, every Taurus needs a regular treat. Spoil yourself regularly. Also, take on greater yet uncompensated duties, they’ll pay off in the future.


Health and well being

Everyone has an idea about what’s best to eat and how to say fit. But in 2014, you need to question these. You and your life have changed, and so has what’s good for you. Rather than seeking a single and lasting plan, make 2014 a year of exploration.


Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

In late 2012, the down to earth Saturn moved to accent life’s practicalities, obligations — professional or otherwise — and even your physical health. Since then you have explored new approaches to these, with varied results. That is as it should be, since this hasn’t been about setting a routine but, rather, what you can learn.

This powerful cycle of wide-ranging growth continues in 2014, except now you are also juggling finances, the wise use of your time and life’s pleasures with those duties. Obviously, this is fun, but it is more challenging than you imagined.

For now, focus on what you can learn and make long-term plans but avoid fixed objectives. They’ll come later.


Love and relationships

With so much changing around you and in your character, even longstanding relationships will be strained. Talk about issues, face differences, focusing not on who’s right or wrong but, on increasing understanding of each other. Done regularly, this achieves miracles.


Finances and work

True, bountiful Jupiter accents finances until midyear. But even exciting ideas or offers require careful thought. Whether it’s work, money or even the value of your time and ideas, be clear what’s involved. Make a fair arrangement and then stick to it.


Health and well being

During this exciting, often supercharged period, you could easily eat unwisely or even forget about food at all. Similarly, you’ll get so involved in exciting pursuits that you can’t get to sleep. Finding a balance between these is challenging but once achieved, makes life much easier.


Cancer (June 21 – July 21)

The first half of 2014 is about discovery. The arrival of Jupiter in Cancer in mid-2013 began a period of opportunity and growth. While this has added wonderfully to your life, there’s more to come.

Since what is best won’t be immediately recognisable, explore everything, even what is initially unappealing. In some situations, this takes discipline but ultimately proves amazingly informative.

Although stability at home, work and in close relationships remains important, seemingly risky changes could be exactly what is needed. From midyear onwards you are consolidating new plans with the old. You’ll also focus on both the practical side of changes and, when all is done, new pleasures, as well.

Love and relationships

Differences with family, loved ones and even friends could easily turn into battles, if you let them. State your case once and clearly, then say no more. This isn’t easy, yet soon you’ll forget and, better yet, are free to enjoy amazing, if unexpected, developments.


Finances and work

Life has been so full of exciting opportunities that you have sometimes neglected practicalities and various obligations. By mid-2014 you’ll be assessing your position and deciding what is best. Make your choices carefully and you’ll benefit handsomely from the past year’s encounters and arrangements.


Health and well being

Frequent changes plus a busy schedule isn’t the ideal situation for looking after yourself. While obligations may delay any overhaul of your wellbeing programme until late in the year, simple improvements in your diet and a bit of exercising will help you achieve wonders.


Leo (July 22 – August 22) 

When you’ll look back on 2014, you’ll realise how much you have learnt. While you are living out days, particularly the first half of the year, you could struggle to sustain familiar elements of your life.

With eclipses, in April and October, shaking up arrangements, some longstanding, you’ll wonder what’s next. The answer to those questions is unlikely to appear until the planet of growth and good fortune, Jupiter, moves into Leo on July 16, thus beginning a year-long cycle of growth, often in unexpected ways.

Your challenge? Patience, especially when you see the past going. Also, be inquisitive about everything, since what initially seems uninteresting will, when you look back, have been amazingly enriching.


Love and relationships

After a lengthy period of stability, you are longing for some excitement. Shakeups trigger changes. Initially, some seem merely disruptive. Be patient and gradually a new, and more rewarding pattern emerges. Enjoy these pleasures but be prepared for those changes to extend into 2015.


Finances and work

If you are to achieve your goals, you’ll need to combine inquisitiveness, which comes easily to you, with a willingness to experiment: with activities, your goals and perhaps even changes in your lifestyle. This pays off slowly, but in ways that are worth waiting for.


Health and well being

Pride ensures most Leos are attentive to both diet and exercise, at least enough to stay in shape. But relaxing and being at peace with yourself is another matter. This year’s resolution is to ensure meditation or regular retreats are part of your life.


Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Being inquisitive, you keep yourself up to date on life, others’ activities and the world around you, even without really thinking about all of this. Yet now it’s important that you explore new territories in terms of ideas, people or even holidays.

Your theme is learning, and, equally, taking chances where there is a risk of getting things wrong — situations you try hard to avoid. But with eclipses in April and October shaking things up anyway, the more willing you are to take up risks, the more you’ll learn.

Balance practical and financial requirements by venturing out into new territories and, gradually, you’ll realise how and what you are learning benefits you.


Love and relationships

Obviously, you prefer life be in order. The realisation that happiness with others can thrive in a more easygoing setting revolutionises your thinking. This more relaxed attitude benefits relations with family as much as loved ones. Better yet, this allows for last minute fun.


Finances and work

Events during the year’s first half get you thinking about how wisely you use your time and money, and most importantly, what could be done better or more profitably. While some answers are instant, those require serious thought could last longest.


Health and well being

Changes in your work, lifestyle or even holidays in unfamiliar settings encourage you to alter your eating habits and way of looking after yourself. Initially, you may complain but soon you find these both exciting and beneficial.


Libra (September 23 – October 22)

When making decisions, you’ll usually compare notes with those who are involved, especially those whose opinions you respect, then weigh up your options. Yet with impatient Mars, planet of ego, in Libra from early December 2013 until July 26 of this year, you’ll need to think and move swiftly. This may lead to mistakes and sometimes even upset others but, oddly, those mishaps prove more informative than careful discussion.

You are feeling driven, creative and adventurous, but can sometimes be demanding or even unreasonable. This leads to taking chances, thus broadening your horizons.

The resulting changes reshape your life, activities and goals, thus making you feel excited about life.


Love and relationships

Ordinarily you are devoted to maintaining harmony in personal and professional relationships, yet during 2014, especially around the Libra eclipsed Full Moon on April 15, there will be confusion, conflict and sudden changes. The resulting frank discussions, which extend throughout the year, achieve miracles.


Finances and work

Last year you realised you need to think carefully about how to you use your resources: your money, but also your time, efforts and even ideas. Now you realise it’s also about demanding what is fair for what you do, and this is limited to not just your workplace.


Health and well being

With so many changes, establishing a routine won’t be easy. Instead of following a strictly healthy way of eating or the gym regime, make looking after yourself a part of this year of growth. Experimenting, with both dining and fitness, will prove amazingly informative.


Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

This year’s events won’t go according to your plan. Once you understand that, then instead of organising things in detail, you’ll adopt a more easygoing approach.

True, with stern Saturn in Scorpio from late 2012 until December of this year, you are making changes, some enforced. Yet its alliances with bountiful Jupiter, twice during 2013 and in late May of this year, are opening the door to amazing encounters, offers and astonishing opportunities.

Waste no time on strategic calculation. The more swiftly and enthusiastically you respond to these, the more you’ll benefit from them. By the year’s close, your perspective and your way of living, working and loving will have been transformed.


Love and relationships

Once you would have worried about changes in your life, the circumstances of others or even unsettling developments. Now, increasingly, you understand they are about working together with others. The more options you discuss, the more you’ll learn and, ultimately, benefit.


Finances and work

When it comes to finances, career and practicalities, no single plan will work. The more flexible your attitude, the better. Thus, when eclipses in April and October shake things up, just explore what arises. What seems worrying may, when you learn more, prove amazing.


Health and well being

Disruptions to your routine could worry you. But, look at this chaotic year as the ideal time to break habits, even healthy ones, and experiment. While you might return to the familiar, the odds are good and you’ll be delighted with what you discover.


Sagittarius (November 22 – December 20)

By no means are you a loner. Yet you could find the present accent on joint decisions difficult, until you realise that often others know more than you, at least about the situation in question. And because events indicate you are broadening your horizons, you’ll need advice.

While you don’t mind rethinking arrangements, frequent yet beneficial changes mean you soon realise most plans should be flexible. This isn’t just about your activities but also about people enriching existing relationships and new ones, too. Most important, because you love exploring the new and unfamiliar, what you learn won’t just benefit you but will be fun as well.


Love and relationships

You have lots of goals on the go. True, in several settings, personal or professional, you’ll be working closely with others. But because you’ll be preoccupied with the tasks to hand, even those closest will need to be patient and understanding.


Finances and Work

Either you have neglected practical or financial matters recently or setbacks mean you must now concentrate on these practicalities. Do exactly that by setting clear goals. But also, do something out of character and seek guidance. This will make a huge difference.


Health and well being

When you relax, you do it 100 per cent. But when you are concentrating on objectives, you forget everything else, including eating well and getting some fresh air. Knowing that, make dates with those who’ll drag you out for a healthy meal and some fun.


Capricorn (December 21 – January 19)

Many Capricorns find it difficult to begin their day if they don’t have a plan. While this degree of organisation leads to impressive achievements, during 2014 you’ll need to be more easygoing.

With eclipses in April and October shaking up your plans and the routine of others, changes are inevitable. Actually, that’s good as you’ll explore both offers and be ideally positioned to think how you might benefit, even from disruptive changes.

The trick is to plan, although in a manner that allows you to “go with the flow”. This is out of character, but means you’ll explore options and get to know people that otherwise you wouldn’t have encountered.


Love and relationships

Inevitably the events restructuring your way of living and working will reshape close relationships, if only influencing long ingrained habits. While this could mean rethinking even close alliances, it will ultimately bring you closer.


Finances and work

Because the activities of the year’s first half are about investing in yourself, you could be short of cash. If so, cut back temporarily, recognising that the tide will turn in your favour midyear. By late 2014, you’ll be laughing.


Health and well being

Most signs need to be reminded the importance of discipline in both eating and exercise. However, Capricorns tend to need reminders to ease up. Spoil yourself. This is especially important when you have something to celebrate, which you will, and often.


Aquarius (January 20 – February 17)

Although your inquisitive nature is one of your strengths, in 2014, events will draw you into new territory both in terms of ideas and, quite possibly, where and how you explore.

Bizarre as this sounds, you have already broadened your horizons in this way. You won’t always recognise this, at least initially, but gradually you’ll realise you are doing things you would never have imagined and, often, with people you wouldn’t otherwise have met.

The trick is to enjoy these to make some new discoveries. While these experiences and encounters will come together, and add to your life amazingly, you’ll need to be patient, as this occurs late in the year.


Love and relationships

Your activities, both planned and unexpected, will be so much on your mind during the year’s first half that others will need to be understanding. Those who have been close for a long time are familiar with these cycles. And new love? From August onwards.


Finances and work

Although diligent, and successful, effort is shown in your chart, turning those efforts into money will require a special focus. Otherwise you could be so involved with what you are doing, you’ll forget about being properly compensated for it.


Health and well being

Recently, life seems to have been organised so you are able to focus as much on keeping yourself healthy as what you are doing and pursuing. This is wonderful, as it’s not always the case. Despite this year’s distractions, you can sustain this.


Pisces (February 18 – March 19)

Being a Pisces and somebody who’s passionate about everything, maintaining a balance between your wide-ranging interests and activities is challenging. This is especially true during 2014. But, somehow, you manage it. Still, life’s not about maintaining the status quo.

You’ll be exploring both promising ideas or offers and new places to play, study or, perhaps, live. Waste no time trying to organise perfect arrangements; some may be short term but still worth the effort, others will last longer but all are stepping stones to the future.

Also, this is a year to believe in good fortune, as what’s least expected could lead you to the setting or individual that will transform your life.

Love and relationships

When others complain, which they will because of unsettling changes, do nothing. This may seem unkind, but you’ll realise they are not struggling, just moaning. When you talk things over, it’s serious. You must be frank about others’ shortcomings.


Finances and work

Unsettled circumstances make planning ahead difficult. Instead, join forces with others and you’ll find ways around even troublesome obstacles. Although setting goals seems pointless, it’s vital. They’ll focus your thinking and ensure you respond swiftly to offers and promising ideas.


Health and well being

This may be a demanding period, but you’ll find plenty of time to party. That’s wonderful. But because you are sensitive to excess fun, you’ll then need to restore your balance, both via exercising and eating well. It’s a habit worth acquiring.



About the dates signs

Contrary to the general belief, there is no standard date on which each sign begins. Unlike New Year, which is midnight, December 31, every year, the star signs begin at different hours and, sometimes, on different dates. These are linked to the seasons.

Aries, for example, begins at the same moment as spring (in the northern hemisphere), Libra coincides with autumn. For example, in 2013, Libra began on September 22 at 23.02 GMT but in 2014, it commences on September 23 at 02.29 GMT.

Because I frequently mention the dates on which the Sun and planets change signs in my columns, I adjust the dates on each sign’s heading to coincide with the day on which the Sun changes signs during the present year.

These changes also apply to an individual’s star sign irrespective of the year of birth.

Those who are on the edge of a sign, which is often referred to as being “on the cusp”, can easily determine their actual star sign by having a computerised personal chart calculated according to their birthdate, place and time — often even an approximate time will do. This can be done through many chart services on the internet, including my own website: Shelleyvonstrunckel.com