Summer is here and mothers especially are looking forward to the relaxed waking up routine. No more hectic and manic mornings of routines being spouted like military generals: “get up, brush your teeth, where is your school bag”, etc. It’s going to be a slow, gentle waking up to a hot cup of tea and browsing the newspapers.

For the homemakers, there are going to be some enthusiastic plans to explore some water parks and new indoor entertainment venues.

For most office-going parents, there will be some guilt pangs for leaving their children at home, especially thinking of ways to monitor their gadget time, the bane of modern life and technological advancement.

But all parents think only one thing: How do we keep the kids busy?

Busy is the new normal.

Just like the forties is the new thirties, busy is the new normal.

Keeping children on a schedule, mentally stimulated, physically fit and spiritually aligned is a great plan; but aren’t plans meant for school days?

It’s just about flipping the coin and not looking at the summer holidays to fill your child’s day with activities. This is your opportunity to be with your child and spend quality time with him or her. It’s about allowing your child to unwind from the marathon academic year, to have late mornings and late nights. It is about having breakfast at lunch-time and eating popcorn while watching a late night family movie cuddled up together.

It’s time to break the routine — especially for the children. A two month stretch of reading books and watching endless movies, of travelling together, staying up late watching movies they want to watch, forcing them to watch movies that you used to watch as a child. It’s that time of the year when you give them a peek into your life as a child and to allow yourself to truly be with them in mind, body and spirit.

It’s the time to dust off those board games and play together as family. It’s about getting off the hamster wheel for the sake of your child, to take a breather and not let everything be “on time”.

Sunaina Vohra is a Dubai-based youth and family life coach