Aries (March 20 — April 19)

After a lengthy period of being forced to concentrate on two important but dull matters, you’ve achieved a lot. Better yet, you’re now free to do whatever you like. Ironically, however, you’ve forgotten how to relax. Begin by exploring new places with those you care about most, the rest will come naturally.

Taurus (April 20 — May 20)

It’s easy to get into a routine. True, this streamlines everyday tasks. However, routine in close relationships is another matter. If you’ve kept changes to a minimum, break those habits, in ways small and large. This isn’t just wise, it will introduce a new and timely sense of excitement.

Gemini (May 21 — June 20)

Being somebody whose perspective on life shifts regularly, you tend to avoid situations that would prevent you exploring something of interest or spending time with those you find interesting. Yet certain intriguing arrangements would demand exactly that. Explore these, discussing your concerns frankly and openly. Despite your misgivings, these could work.

Cancer (June 21 — July 21)

Ordinarily the period when Mercury’s retrograde, as it will be from next Saturday, is a nuisance. This time around, however, the minor errors so typical of this cycle will prove unexpectedly informative, both when it comes to spotting past problems and, equally, when you need to tackle here and now issues.

Leo (July 22 — August 22)

Most decisions are made once, put into action and that’s that. Between changes in the foundation on which plans are based and the shifting requirements of certain individuals, including you, things are becoming more uncertain by the day. Unsettling as this is, it ensures you’ve plenty of time to explore your options.

Virgo (August 23 — September 22)

Usually, winning others over to your ideas or plans is easy. While you rely on the facts you’ve compiled, you’ll also throw in a bit of charm. At the moment, however, certain individuals are in such a contentious mood that they’ll ignore both. Be prepared for a bit of a battle.

Libra (September 23 — October 22)

You’d prefer others are happy with the plans you’ve organised. However, with so much in transition, there simply isn’t time to discuss issues. This means proceeding based on what you think best, even if others don’t agree. Since plans will change several times before anything is settled, you’ve no cause for concern.

Scorpio (October 23 — November 21)

While you’re appreciative of others’ efforts to lend a hand in projects, you often discourage them. As well-meaning as they are, they’ve no idea what you intend to do next, and so can actually complicate matters. Now, however, not only are their intentions good, they’re better informed than you are.

Sagittarius (November 22 — December 20)

Every sign is influenced by Mercury’s retrograde cycle, which begins in a week’s time. But because it’s positioned in the most strategic portion of your chart, those minor errors could be surprisingly informative. Even now you’ll find that if you reflect on problems of this nature, they’ll prove unexpectedly revealing.

Capricorn (December 21 — January 19)

Listening to what others have to say is important, especially when times are tricky. Now, however, it’s the reverse. Many previously challenging situations are coming good. Still, it’s essential you keep those links of communication open, if only to share the joys of this amazing period.

Aquarius (January 20 — February 17)

Although it doesn’t actually begin until this coming Saturday, once Mercury goes retrograde, you’ll have a chance to discuss future plans. True, that’s not usually what happens. Generally, there’s confusion. Now, however, that will trigger conversations that clarify exactly what’s taken place and, importantly, what’s next.

Pisces (February 18 — March 19)

The time has come to make a change. You must consider saying farewell to one particular plan or even passion. While this has been absorbing, interesting, a worthwhile challenge and you’ve learned a lot, times have changed. What’s more, there are certain far more intriguing pursuits waiting for your attention.

If it’s your birthday today

On your birthday, the planet of ideas, communication and expression, Mercury, moves into the most practical angle of your chart. This accents what you earn, own and even what you owe. While you adore beautiful things, you’ve little interest in discussing the financial side of such matters. Now, however, it’s not just important, what you learn could lead to important changes in those practicalities and, as crucial, in your own priorities.