Aries (March 20 — April 19)

There’ve been many times in the past when you’ve been impatient with those who insist that ideas or offers be explored thoroughly before any commitments are made. Now, however, you must make exactly the same demands. Strange as this feels, until you know more, certain plans can’t go any further.

Taurus (April 20 — May 20)

Seeing familiar elements of your life change, and suddenly, is worrying. However, you’ve already acknowledged these have been holding you back in some way. It’s just you wanted to make any necessary changes in your own time. Despite this, once they’re made, you’ll feel freer than you have for ages.

Gemini (May 21 — June 20)

Although your charm and wit are an asset, they can give the impression that you care little about certain matters or even individuals when, in truth, it’s the reverse. Difficult as being forthright about those feelings are, it’s the best way to end confusion and eliminate similar problems in the future.

Cancer (June 21 — July 21)

Making progress in certain plans or ventures may mean saying farewell to one particular element of your life. You’ve no reason for concern. Attached as you are to this now, once things have changed, as they will, you’ll be amazed how swiftly you forget about this and other reassuring arrangements.

Leo (July 22 — August 22)

Most Leos are fiercely loyal, to family, friends and even work colleagues. Yet when you’re betrayed, as appears to be the case, you can become surprisingly vindictive. This is, of course, because of hurt feelings. First, check out the facts. The cause is likely to be a serious misunderstanding, nothing more.

Virgo (August 23 — September 22)

You’d assume that there’s no need to alter arrangements that were organised only recently. While at other times that might be true, with so much change going on in the world around you, others’ lives and your own, even simple arrangements are likely to need a rethink, and perhaps more than once.

Libra (September 23 — October 22)

Because you place such a value on close relationships, you’ll nurture them through tense periods and await calmer ones. But one or two have become far too burdensome. Your only option is to say farewell. Out of character and, indeed, challenging as it may be, you really have no choice.

Scorpio (October 23 — November 21)

A recent gesture was touching but, initially anyway, you were wary. You couldn’t banish concerns about the motivation behind this. Only now is it clear that the individual in question had no intention other than to do something kind. They had nothing more in mind and don’t even expect thanks.

Sagittarius (November 22 — December 20)

Watching an arrangement or alliance you care about slip away is disheartening. While you may be tempting to restore it, you’d soon regret it. This has nothing to do with what’s going but, rather, the thrilling ideas and offers promised by next week’s planetary activity. It will keep you very busy indeed.

Capricorn (December 21 — January 19)

Few things are more exasperating than, having worked hard to organise plans, being confronted with a sudden change or unexpected event that throws everything into chaos. Yet that’s exactly what you’re facing. Rather than struggle to restore those arrangements, take time to rethink everything. You’ll be glad you did.

Aquarius (January 20 — February 17)

Being inquisitive, you’re first to know about anything exciting. Yet, ironically, you could easily dismiss certain promising ideas or offers, mostly because they’re reminiscent of past ventures that didn’t work out. However, times have changed and so have you. Knowing that, you’re urged to set aside those restrictive, and antiquated, views.

Pisces (February 18 — March 19)

Relying on your intuition comes naturally. It’s nothing new. Since you began making decisions of any kind, you’ve combined your powerful instincts with a more practical assessment of situations. Now it’s time to extend your thinking into new realms, by either examining your own beliefs or exploring new ideas.

If it’s your birthday today

As a Virgo and an earth sign, you have a healthy respect for stability and value loyalty in all forms of relationships. Yet every once in a while you must review various elements of your life and consider whether anything, or any alliance, should go. True, it may be a matter of discussing persistent issues and trying to resolve them. But, equally, it could be time to say farewell to the past and move on.