

Every Scorpio is an instinctive diplomat. Without giving it a thought, you know how much to reveal to certain individuals and, equally, why it’s vital you be as forthright as possible with others. Yet you’re avoiding mentioning certain matters, mostly because they mean so much to you and, thus, fear others may interfere. Yet it’s the reverse, those close to you would do all they can to guide you, advise or help. But they need to know what you care about most.

Aries March 20 – April 18

Having organised complex arrangements involving others, you’re in no mood to make even the most minor of changes. However, as events are now making clear, you’ve no choice. Forget about trying to reorganise things on your own. Get everybody involved. It may take longer but will, ultimately, be far easier.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

As an earth sign, you instinctively know how far you can push things, whether the issue is practical or personal and, equally, when to stick with your own plans. But judging by the clash between your ruler Venus and stern Saturn, even you may need to conduct a serious review of those arrangements.

Gemini May 20 – June 19

It would be easy to make the mistake of assuming others are aware of your plans and priorities. You’ve talked about these but, often, you were discussing possibilities more than a single, clear cut plan. In any case, going over arrangements will update others and, in the process, clarify your own thinking.

Cancer June 20 – July 21

Sometimes being vague about details is best, especially if you anticipate somebody will object, if only to put their stamp on plans. However, the current situation is the reverse, in that the details you neglect to mention will be decided by events themselves. Knowing that, fine tune arrangements, and now.

Leo July 22 – August 21

You haven’t been secretive. Rather, you long ago learnt certain individuals simply aren’t interested in activities that you enjoy, even though you spend considerable time doing these. Bizarrely, the individuals in question are saying they’re insulted you’ve ignored them. They’re playing a worrying game. Be cautious until you learn more.

Virgo August 22 – September 21

Strange as it seems, while you’ve talked over certain crucial matters, often at length, you’ve never actually stated your own views. Consequently, others have no idea what to expect. Waste no time clarifying both your position on this and what you intend to do. For now, focus on the big picture.

Libra September 22 – October 21

As a Libra, you’re superb at making it clear how you want things dealt with, while ensuring everything’s friendly. But judging by the link between your ruler Venus and the tough Saturn, you’ll have little choice but to be forthright. Once you take a tough line, others will realise you mean business.

Scorpio October 22 – November 20

Reorganising plans at the last minute may seem a nightmare, but it’s actually timely. This is offering you an opportunity to discuss your concerns about arrangements that certain individuals regard as settled. Once they were, but recent changes in circumstances on which these were based require, at minimum, a serious rethink.

Sagittarius November 21 – December 20

When faced with obstacles of the variety you’ve been contending with for the past several days, you’ll respond to any breakthroughs swiftly. However, that could complicate matters. What you’ve learnt may not be as reliable as it seems. Either do the minimum or, if possible, hold back until you know more.

Capricorn December 21 – January 19

Long ago you decided that while you can’t tell others not to give you advice, ultimately, you can do what’s best in terms of the circumstances or your own objectives. While this is the case now, you’ll need to deal with one particularly persistent individual, who’s insisting you explore their suggestions.

Aquarius January 20 – February 18

Usually there’s no need to be aware of that fine line between a lively debate amongst friends and a genuine clash. The problem is, what begins as discussion about intriguing new ideas could swiftly deteriorate into a contentious exchange. Be cautious, especially because you’re lacking facts to back up your arguments.

Pisces February 19 – March 19

Certain people really enjoy complaining. While you’ve noticed this in the past, it’s had little to do with you. Now it does. In fact, one particular individual has decided you’re responsible for something they dislike, and are aiming their complaints your way. Ignoring these won’t be easy, but it’s the best strategy.