Aries (March 20 — April 19)

In your eagerness to tell certain individuals about new plans or ideas, you both spoke too swiftly and glossed over essential details. This has left them confused. Tempting as it is to hope they’ll somehow pick up on those missing facts, it’s unrealistic. Review what you said, this time in detail.

Taurus (April 20 — May 20)

Not only have the past weeks’ events shaken things up, October’s second eclipse, on the 23rd, triggers unexpected twists that could mean rethinking everything. Take it slowly. Ideally, in fact, you’ll avoid making any lasting decisions until early November, when the Taurus Full Moon brings feelings and facts to a head.

Gemini (May 21 — June 20)

Planning ahead may be a virtue. But as you’ve undoubtedly already noticed, what you organise one day changes the next. Nevertheless, certain individuals want detailed plans. Make them, but in such a manner that when those inevitable changes arise, you’ve the flexibility necessary to rethink them without much effort.

Cancer (June 21 — July 21)

After several weeks during with the planetary emphasis has been on domestic and family matters, especially on untangling persistent dilemmas, you’ve accomplished a lot. The focus is about to change. Knowing that, make tackling any as yet unresolved issues your priority, with an eye to settling them once and for all.

Leo (July 22 — August 22)

Although Mercury’s retrograde cycle comes to a conclusion on the 25th, by no means should you expect both the past errors it exposes and unwitting mistakes and to diminish between now and then. Actually, once it’s resumed forward motion, you’ll still need to spend time sorting out any remaining confusion.

Virgo (August 23 — September 22)

Because you think carefully about plans before suggesting them, still less, put them into action, things usually proceed smoothly. As you’ve noticed over the past several weeks, this has not been the case. Worrying as this has been at times, you’re beginning to recognise those unexpected events as breakthroughs.

Libra (September 23 — October 22)

Every sign is influenced by the change in perspective and often in circumstances triggered by the current eclipsed New Moon. In your case, however, it accents practical and financial matters. This suggests that if you haven’t conducted a review of this side of your life or business recently, the moment has come.

Scorpio (October 23 — November 21)

You’ve a remarkable capacity to spot the facts, even when others are fooled by artful deceptions. Yet you’ll sometimes turn concerns about such matters into worries, if not a form of paranoia about what certain individuals are up to. The odds are good, however, you’ve misunderstood others’ intentions, nothing more.

Sagittarius (November 22 — December 20)

Patience has never been your strength. Yet in several situations recently, you’ve had wait while others made decisions that influence you. While this has been frustrating, it’s forced you to focus on certain matters you’ve ignored, possibly because you regard them as dull. You’ve now realised that’s by no means the case.

Capricorn (December 21 — January 19)

Tempting as it is to reassure those who’re anxious about changes things will be fine, it’s probably not that helpful. While it’s true, these developments may be unsettling, they’re also timely. They’ll either eliminate longstanding but burdensome arrangements or open up new territory for exploration or, perhaps, both.

Aquarius (January 20 — February 17)

Although you’re as influenced by the retrograde Mercury as anybody else, you survive its twists and turns without too much drama. That’s because while others are getting upset by unpredictable events, you see the humour in them. Better yet, some of what’s arisen has been amazingly revealing.

Pisces (February 18 — March 19)

There’s no avoiding it. You’re about to hear somebody’s sob story. While your interest in the welfare of others is a virtue, in this particular case, their problems must be theirs to deal with. Difficult as informing them you can do nothing may be, you really have no choice.

If it’s your birthday today

Long ago you learned that while you can discuss and deal with even complex practical matters swiftly, often in a single conversation, personal issues require a very different approach. They demand time, thought and, often, that the situation in question be revisited, sometimes several times. This is especially the case now. Although you’d rather clear these up swiftly, try to hurry things and you’ll soon realise why you’re better off taking it slowly.