

Although every sign is influenced by the New Moon, the fact it takes place in Libra, and on your birthday, indicates that you, personally, are beginning a new cycle. While you may already have sensed changes, often what’s best seems least promising, at least initially. Consider saying farewell to everything. That may sound extreme, but you’ll soon recognise what truly matters versus elements of your life that are there out of habit. After that, you’ll be free to rethink your life and priorities.

Aries March 20 – April 18

Don’t be surprised if those who, only recently, said there was no way they’d proceed with plans as they are, have a sudden change of heart. While they’d still prefer to have everything worked out in advance, what you’ve devised is clever, so much so that nothing needs to be changed.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

Few things are more exasperating than working hard to organise a plan, only to discover that because of changes in circumstance, it can’t last as you conceived it. Soon, however, you’ll realise this is good timing, since what you’ve arranged would require a top to bottom rethink anyway.

Gemini May 20 – June 19

As you long ago learnt, not everybody is interested in meeting people or learning new ideas. In fact, some would rather stick with the same routine, and see the same people, week in and week out. However, as a Gemini, you thrive on change, which is exactly what’s on its way.

Cancer June 20 – July 21

While you say you intend to put certain unfortunate situations behind you, doing it is another matter. Yet you feel stuck and, worse, others simply won’t talk things over. What you can do, however, is forgive the individuals in question. Challenging as this is, it’s the first step to inner peace.

Leo July 22 – August 21

Don’t think of the changes you’re being forced to make as a compromise, however true that seems now. These are paving the way for dramatic developments. True, these probably seem more of a nuisance than the golden opportunities that they are. Once you’ve explored them, things will be much clearer.

Virgo August 22 – September 21

Few things are more satisfying to you, as a painstaking Virgo, than discovering somebody who’d criticised you was wrong. Not only is this the case, they made such an issue of it that you’re tempted to point out their error. You needn’t. They’re seriously embarrassed. Once they’ve recovered their composure, they’ll apologise.

Libra September 22 – October 21

Obviously, you’re in no mood to discuss facts that would put you in a vulnerable position with those who’re already difficult. Unappealing as the idea is, because the individual in question is competitive, they’ll be forced to reveal something they’re hiding to you. That could be very helpful indeed.

Scorpio October 22 – November 20

Nobody is better at sidestepping discussions that are either badly timed or would lead to awkward situations than you are. Now, however, the matters in question shouldn’t just be talked over, they’ll be hugely informative. What you learn about them and, even more, yourself will more than justify any discomfort you experience.

Sagittarius November 21 – December 20

By no means are you narrow minded. Yet you’ve either completely ignored or simply haven’t noticed breakthroughs being ushered in by the current New Moon. That may be because they’re about ideas or offers that have come via others, and you’re so absorbed in what you’re doing, you haven’t noticed.

Capricorn December 21 – January 19

It’s only now that you’re recovering from recent disappointing situations. In these, and there were several, some minor and others of more far reaching proportions, the worst was being unable to discover what was behind these setbacks. While you can get the answers you’re seeking, accepting them is another matter.

Aquarius January 20 – February 18

Watching longstanding alliances or plans you worked hard to make reality come undone isn’t easy. Yet, recently, these have become more of a burden than a joy. What’s more, in letting these go, you’re clearing the way for certain ideas or offers that are not merely intriguing, but promise much more.

Pisces February 19 – March 19

Being a sensitive water sign, you know how hurtful the dismissive attitude of certain tough-minded individuals can be. Yet in one or two crucial situations, you must take as tough a line. Not only do you have no choice, others who’re also struggling will benefit as much as you will.