Aries (March 20 – April 19)

Over the past month or so, you’ve dealt with numerous practical and financial issues. While you’ve achieved a great deal, it’s been pretty dull. Now you get a break. In fact, with both the ideas planet Mercury and, on Sunday, the Sun moving into inquisitive Sagittarius, things will much more exciting.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Sometimes you must give up ground in one situation to make progress in another. This is exactly what you’re facing, although you dislike admitting it. If you can’t let go of certain increasingly unworkable arrangements, at least consider the possibility they must change. After that, the rest will be easy.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Every sign is influenced by the heightened feelings triggered by the Full Moon. But Wednesday’s is in your sign. This marks it as a turning point, personally and in close alliances. Although it’s still some days away, the odds are good you’re already experiencing this powerful tide of change.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Others may insist they’ve told you all there is to say about certain tricky matters. But they’re either keeping pivotal facts to themselves or, which is possible, unaware of everything that needs to be said. The solution? Ask them to review what they know, point by point. Eventually you’ll discover what’s missing.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

As a fire sign, you thrive on new and intriguing ideas and challenges. But you can dread changes in routine. Yet such changes are necessary, and in several areas of your life. Ironically, once you begin, you’ll realise these aren’t just appealing options, but they wouldn’t be disruptive in the least.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Facts may be facts. But with so much going on over the past months, certain arrangements you regarded as unchanging have done exactly that. They’re different, and from top to bottom. That being the case, approach these as if they were entirely new, so unfamiliar. In a way, that’s the case.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

There’s no easy way around the issues roused by the clash between your ruler Venus and the underhand Pluto. The real problem is that crucial facts could either be unspoken or actually, for some reason, must be kept under wraps. You’ve no choice but to approach discussions with extreme diplomacy.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Because you often keep your plans to yourself, others don’t realise when you must relinquish ideas or objectives, even those that meant a great deal. That seems to be the case now. Discuss both your intentions and these disappointments openly, explaining whatever you can. The response you get will touch you.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

After a lengthy period during which the focus has been on the views of others, both Mercury and the Sun are moving into your sign. This won’t just be a relief, the emphasis on fire signs indicates a change in the mood. In turn, discussions involving plans will be far less complicated.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

With so much in transition, in the world around you and in your own life, getting things organised won’t be easy. Still, make plans with others. Be aware, however, they too are in the midst of this chaos, so are no clearer about the present or future than you are.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 17)

Discussing close relationships in detail is never easy. It’s for this reason you’ve been sidestepping certain potentially tricky issues. Ironically, once you’re actually talking things over, those worrying matters will be easily resolved and, better yet, the conversation will drift towards thoughts and ideas regarding the future.

Pisces (February 18 – March 19)

One particular individual insists you told them one thing, while you remember something else entirely. It’s likely they’re recalling what’s convenient for them. Annoying as this is, say nothing. Still, keep in mind that the individual in question has a tendency to remember what suits them, rather than the facts.

If it’s your birthday today

Not only is it time to talk things through, with the communication planet Mercury moving into the expressive fire sign Sagittarius on your birthday, those exchanges will be inspiring. This is timely, as you’ve been through a period that’s been both demanding and required you deal with numerous issues in detail. While what you did and learnt will prove valuable in many ways, the current swifter pace will provide some welcome excitement and renew your zest for life.