Aries (March 20 — April 19)

Yet again you’ve come up against idiotic rules and regulations or those who take such things far too seriously. Tempting as it is to ignore these entirely, you’d regret it. While those restrictions won’t vanish, invest time in understanding what’s behind them and you’ll discover how they can be sidestepped.

Taurus (April 20 — May 20)

Little is more difficult than watching those closest, at work or at home, struggle with unfair situations. While you wish you could lend a hand, they’re saying no. It may be pride or that, in reality, you’re ill-equipped to help. But, in truth, your unwavering support means more than anything else.

Gemini (May 21 — June 20)

Having already discussed problems with ongoing arrangements, you’re beginning to wonder if others even understand the importance of certain matters. The fact is, they don’t. Their perspective on life and, thus, their priorities is entirely different from yours. Remain friends, but be wary of situations where you must rely on them.

Cancer (June 21 — July 21)

Certain individuals are critical, of the world around them, of others and, at the moment, of you. While, obviously, you’ll want to justify your words or actions, don’t bother. Those who’re habitually critical do it unthinkingly. Even more important, remember, they’re as hard on themselves as they are on others.

Leo (July 22 — August 22)

Once you’ve listened to the plans, ideas or projects of others and made a decision, you tend to assume their objectives will remain unchanged. Usually that’s the case. Now, however, changes in circumstances are forcing them to rethink things. Talk this over with them, ensuring they keep you up to date.

Virgo (August 23 — September 22)

Most Virgos are known for planning carefully. But even those who live chaotic lives, and there are many, still think things through and have an idea what to expect. Nobody, even the most up to date, will anticipate the surprises ushered in by this week’s exceedingly tricky planetary activity.

Libra (September 23 — October 22)

While it’s understandable that you let others have their way in certain contentious situations, you’re still annoyed. It’s unfair and you feel cheated. Talk to them and say exactly that. They were aware you were unhappy but didn’t realise how upset you were. They’re not clairvoyant. You must tell them.

Scorpio (October 23 — November 21)

Sometimes differences are exactly that, opposing views. At the moment, however, it’s worth exploring the source of those issues. The odds are good you’ll find that the origin is a misunderstanding that not only needs to be dealt with, the resulting discussions will resolve numerous other issues as well.

Sagittarius (November 22 — December 20)

Planning ahead may be a virtue, but at the moment it could actually confuse matters. Between now and Saturday’s Sagittarius New Moon, which constitutes a sort of personal new year for you, life’s about decluttering. This isn’t just about possessions, it’s also about existing plans and your goals for the future.

Capricorn (December 21 — January 19)

By no means have you been secretive. Rather, the swift pace has prevented you updating even those you’re closest to about recent developments and their impact on existing plans. Still, you really must talk things through. These discussions may need to be brief but at least everybody will know what’s what.

Aquarius (January 20 — February 17)

Because you not only understand the quirks of others, you find them endearing, what annoys others rarely bothers you. Yet now certain habits in others are driving you crazy. This may have more to do with you, and that one particularly stressful situation has got you on edge, than those irritating habits.

Pisces (February 18 — March 19)

As much as you’d like to give those who’re struggling a hand, they’re not making it easy. The problem is their own confusion about what should be straightforward decisions. Discuss this once, then back off. Give them space and, even more important, time to think things through. You’ve plenty else to do.