

As a Taurus, you pride yourself on your persistence. While that’s a virtue, your birthday chart accents another, very different, trait. That’s the willingness to say you’ve made an unwise judgement, or even give up. Initially this may seem weak, but you’ll soon be enjoying the freedom to say farewell to burdensome arrangements, some minor but annoying, others far more serious. In every case, ridding yourself of these will be a huge relief.

Aries March 20 – April 18

The time has come to give some serious thought to what, and who, is worth your time. This variety of analysis may seem rather cold, but with the New Moon accenting such matters and bringing powerful insights, it’s worth examining the pros and cons of certain arrangements, often in detail.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

Tempting as it is to try to refine plans to the degree you’re confident they’ll last, it simply isn’t realistic. Rather, with both Mercury and Mars retrograde, and shifting your focus to what doesn’t work, you’re better off considering what, and who, is holding you back and might need to go.

Gemini May 20 – June 19

Decisions may seem pressing. Some are personal, others involve practical activities, and a few, joint ventures. But in every case, the actual situation in question is in transition. Knowing that, view whatever you organise as one stage in planning rather than anything final. There are several twists and turns yet to come.

Cancer June 20 – July 21

When you first sidestepped a potentially contentious issue, you regarded it as being of little significance anyway. But with things moving swiftly, this particular matter is taking centre stage. Consequently, you’ll need to speak your mind, and soon. Say nothing and others will draw their own, often incorrect, conclusions.

Leo July 22 – August 21

Every New Moon marks a period of reflection. Nature takes a break, and you’d benefit from doing so as well. If you’re nurturing a plan or ideas, you’d always rather take things to the next stage than do nothing. At the moment, however, there’s something to be learnt from stillness.

Virgo August 22 – September 21

Although the period during which your ruler Mercury is retrograde, as it will be until the 22nd, can be a nuisance, often the issue is a misunderstanding from the past or present. Knowing that, should there be confusion, make a point of asking questions. What you learn could prove amazingly informative.

Libra September 22 – October 21

The powerful alliance between the Sun and Jupiter, a few days ago, and currently, with the uncompromising Pluto, indicates a rare mix of offers and revelations, about the past and the present. Unsettling as the latter may seem initially, what you learn will leads to timely, and fortunate, changes in plans.

Scorpio October 22 – November 20

True, the powerful, if unsettling, Scorpio Full Moon was nearly two weeks ago. Yet you’re still wrestling with some of the issues that arose then. Actually, that’s as it should be. While some were relatively straightforward to deal with, a few have proved unexpectedly complex but, happily, will also be unexpectedly informative.

Sagittarius November 21 – December 20

Once a plan is made, you prefer to take action. Yet at the moment you’re dealing with one particular individual who simply refuses to take things further without thoroughly analysing every idea and confirming facts. Annoying as their attitude is, with Mars and Mercury both retrograde, they’re right to be cautious.

Capricorn December 21 – January 19

Being a practical earth sign, you long ago learnt your passion for careful planning isn’t universal. Still, the errors certain individuals make are exasperating. Bizarrely, the valuable knowledge you gain when putting these right won’t just be informative, the resulting insights will force you to forgive others their carelessness immediately.

Aquarius January 20 – February 18

Unsettling events involving close friends, romantic links or family can be seriously difficult. Whatever seems to be the problem, it’s actually about differences in your attitude towards change. Others are eager to proceed with plans you regard as disruptive. This has happened in the past and everybody’s coped. You will again.

Pisces February 19 – March 19

For ages you’ve had certain ideas, plans and projects on your mind. But you’ve done nothing, mostly because you needed others’ support and never got around to talking things over. Now the New Moon, and its accompanying fresh perspective, forces your hand. And at exactly the right moment.