Every once in a while, Lady Luck takes a role in the planetary setup, as is the case in your birthday chart. While in some cases you’ll recognise developments as being fortunate the minute they arise, others may not be quite as straightforward. And a few could seem disruptive, if not actually be unwelcome. At least explore these. Ironically, those that are most difficult to spot initially could turn out to bring the greatest benefits in the long run.

Aries March 20 – April 18

With your ruler Mars both retrograde, or in reverse motion, and moving into a new position, the circumstances you’re dealing with are about to change, possibly more than once. Obviously, you won’t be thrilled with the resulting delays. Still, what you learn while you’re waiting more than justifies the patience required.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

When you sidestepped contentious issues recently, it wasn’t because you regarded them as unimportant. On the contrary, you’re well aware of their seriousness. It’s just you assumed certain individuals wouldn’t care. Now that you’ve discovered they do, and in fact, they care a lot, discuss these frankly, and right away.

Gemini May 20 – June 19

For ages you’ve managed to duck certain seriously tedious obligations. Fortunately, there’ve been others who could, and did, deal with them. Now that forthright Mars has moved to accent these, it seems you’ve no choice but to tackle them head on. The longer you wait, the more complicated it will be.

Cancer June 20 – July 21

As you realised during Mercury’s retrograde cycle, from late April until 22 May, there’s a difference between casual discussions and those on which decisions can be based. At the time, it may have seemed others are lacking information or were simply being grumpy. Take it slowly. Discerning fact from fiction will require serious patience.

Leo July 22 – August 21

As a fire sign, you’d always rather tackle tricky situations when they arise than wait until they’re in such a dire state there’s no choice. Still, there’s one particular matter you’re hoping to ignore, not just for now, but for good. That’s not only unrealistic, that attitude could cause you real problems.

Virgo August 22 – September 21

Because you think plans though carefully, you rarely need to alter those arrangements. However, even you couldn’t have anticipated the actual changes in circumstances that, in turn, mean rethinking things from the top to the bottom. Disruptive as this is, you’ll be able to include timely new ideas.

Libra September 22 – October 21

The last thing you want to do is agree to plans that are either inadequately thought through or which include people you’d rather not be involved with, whatever the setting. Obviously this isn’t easy to express. Still, if you don’t say something now, within a few days’ time events will force you to.

Scorpio October 22 – November 20

Don’t be surprised if, after a period during which you’ve been in a tolerant, accepting frame of mind, your mood is suddenly far less easygoing. This, which is triggered by the return of the dynamic but impatient Mars to Scorpio, encourages you to pursue goals, even those that once seemed lost.

Sagittarius November 21 – December 20

Being a fire sign, you’d always rather take action and learn from what you experience than waste time on endless debates regarding possibilities. Yet now both events and the demands of certain individuals are demanding exactly that, lengthy discussion. What you learn won’t just be interesting, it could be life-changing.

Capricorn December 21 – January 19

By no means have you been secretive. Yet discussions with others have revealed misconceptions about both longstanding plans and more recent arrangements. Time consuming as talking these over in depth now would be, it’s better than saying nothing, only to discover later, those plans being made were based on false assumptions.

Aquarius January 20 – February 18

When you sidestepped certain facts, you were trying to save time and, besides, regarded them as unimportant. While that might have been true then, things have changed and these matters aren’t merely of some significance, they’re crucial. Now you must raise and discuss them with others, and in as much detail as possible.

Pisces February 19 – March 19

This hardly seems the ideal time to undo fundamental elements of your life. Yet the events taking shape now will demand exactly that. Worrying as this seems, it’s worth at least exploring these ideas or offers. Once you learn more, you’ll realise they’re actually an outgrowth of certain existing plans or pursuits.