

It’s easy to tell lies. That may seem a strange thing to say, but in countless situations something goes unsaid or a plan’s agreed to, but without the intention of carrying it out. Worst are matters when you’ve committed to somebody because you knew they cared, but didn’t mean it. This was all done in innocence. Still, these are catching up with you. In most, it’s about setting the record straight, but in one or two, it’s about apologising.

Aries March 20 – April 18

While you’ve achieved a great deal, it’s been seriously demanding. Now that the Sun has joined Venus and the planet of communication Mercury in your fellow fire sign of Leo, and to accent love and life’s pleasures, it’s time for fun. Better yet, you’ve a month of joy and relaxation ahead.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

Ages ago you sidestepped certain facts, both because they seemed unimportant and, equally, because they could cause serious embarrassment. It now appears these will come out anyway. Knowing that, be the first to discuss them, and do so boldly but with tact. Any troublemakers will soon realise you’re in control.

Gemini May 20 – June 19

Judging by the powerful aspects involving unpredictable Uranus during July’s last half, twists and turns are inevitable. While you’re adept at dealing with unexpected developments of this nature, certain individuals aren’t, and could cause problems. Charm them into going along with your plans. You can discuss details when things are calmer.

Cancer June 20 – July 21

During unstable periods, such as this is, the tendency is to seek situations that are reliable, financially, practically and, where applicable, emotionally. Yet you’re drawn to something that is none of those. Still, if it shows promise, pursue it although with caution and, possibly, the guidance of those less easily swayed.

Leo July 22 – August 21

Destiny is about to take a hand in crucial decisions. While you’ve been complaining about the complexity of these, and with good reason, you’d still rather determine your own fate. Still, at the moment you’ve no choice but to surrender to the decisions made by others or by events beyond your control.

Virgo August 22 – September 21

It’s time to say farewell to at least one, if not several, longstanding arrangements or, possibly, friendships. You’ve been tolerant about the attitude and, often, selfishness of certain individuals, partly because you’ve been unsure what you’d do without them. Once they’ve gone, you’ll realise you’d live a far less stressful life.

Libra September 22 – October 21

Yet again you’re caught in a situation for which there is no single right solution, just options that will cause varying degrees of aggravation. Actually, with things moving so swiftly, any plan you make is likely to change, and change again. Do your best and if others complain, let them.

Scorpio October 22 – November 20

Although you thought making the decision to disentangle yourself from certain arrangements would be a challenge, that’s been relatively easy. What you hadn’t considered, however, was the details involved, and how complex undoing them would be. Still, what you learn, about yourself and others, will more than justify the effort required.

Sagittarius November 21 – December 20

While you rather enjoy a lively exchange of ideas, and aren’t remotely bothered if things become heated, certain individuals take such discussion very seriously indeed. And it’s likely you’ll be dealing with exactly such a person. Knowing that, if their reaction to forthright or provocative statements is negative, back off.

Capricorn December 21 – January 19

As much as you enjoy the company of certain individuals, you wish they were more logical. And now, after a lengthy, demanding but rewarding period during which you’ve faced, and dealt with, numerous matters involving others, you’re ready for a break. You’ll get it, and within only a day or so.

Aquarius January 20 – February 18

With the Sun joining the ideas planet Mercury and Venus in your opposite sign of Leo, and moving to accent close alliances, teamwork will be essential. While you’re superb at working alongside people, you’ll often take the lead. Now you’ll need to work together closely, if not leave decisions to others.

Pisces February 19 – March 19

Nobody would blame you for being furious with one particular individual who’s kept valuable facts under wraps. This knowledge hasn’t given them the advantage but, rather, they couldn’t be bothered to inform anybody else. While you can’t change their character, you can keep in mind how self-centred they’re capable of being.