

There’s a fine line between keeping things to yourself that you doubt others will understand, which is often wise, and actually being secretive. While the latter, that is, saying nothing at all about either certain passions, plans or your activities will avoid clashes, it also means those who you see and talk to often will be increasingly less aware what’s behind the decisions you’re making now and your vision for the future.

Aries March 20 – April 19

While you may complain about the obstacles you’re facing, as an Aries you’ll rather enjoy the challenges these are bringing your way. What’s more, in some situations, these aren’t just about that challenge but, also, the fact these are prompting you to deal with issues that have become the source of increasing irritation.

Taurus April 20 – May 20

Judging from the recent links between both your ruler Venus and the communication planet Mercury with the visionary Neptune, life’s been brimming with all sorts of inspiring ideas. While some are unlikely to come together soon, at least one seems to be working out more swiftly and more easily than you’d imagined possible.

Gemini May 21 – June 20

With the Sun and the Full Moon, at the end of the week, both accenting the structure of your life, the changes you only recently regarded as a mere possibility could turn into reality. And soon. Remember this when organising long range plans since, if those changes proceed, you’ll need to do a lot of juggling.

Cancer June 21 – July 21

Just when you were fairly sure that recent tricky situations were settled, somebody started asking yet more questions. Worrying as this may seem, this particular batch of queries are about practical matters that would benefit from discussion. Once you begin exploring, you’ll realise how much you’re learning from delving into them.

Leo July 22 – August 22

As a Leo and a fire sign, when something needs to get done, you’re capable of achieving more than several other people. Yet recently, even you have felt overwhelmed and wished others would at least share this particular burden. They don’t realise you’re struggling and won’t until you ask for their support.

Virgo August 23 – September 22

Usually, you’d not only plan ahead, you feel it’s vital. Yet your instincts are correctly telling you to avoid investing too much time in getting things organised. This is wise, since the changes in circumstance or, possibly, your priorities triggered by the Virgo Full Moon, in a few days’ time, could change everything.

Libra September 23 – October 22

By now you’re probably acknowledging that even the cleverest of manoeuvres won’t keep you from having to confront one particular individual. Unappealing as the thought may be, once you’re actually exchanging ideas, you’ll realise they’re as eager to settle the matter in question as you are. After that, the rest will be easy.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

Although every sign will have been influenced by the recent pair of eclipses, because they ushered in changes and influenced the structure of your life, you may still be battling them. Logical as struggling to keep things the same seems, the changes you’re wrestling with are wise, if not in your best interests.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 20

In late January the forthright Mars moved into Sagittarius, until mid-March. This has boosted your energy level but also made you more impatient than usual. This is especially the case this week, so much so, you’re urged to think carefully before you make commitments in a rush, arrangements you could soon regret.

Capricorn December 21 – January 19

Unsettling and, in some cases, as aggravating as recent clashes were, most seemed routine. It’s only now that you’re looking back on them that you’re recognising each involved a misunderstanding. Bear this in mind when making future plans. Investing more time in discussion from the outset might be a good idea.

Aquarius January 20 – February 17

The New Moon in your sign may have been nearly two weeks ago, but because it was an eclipse, which is about breakthroughs, you’ve a lot to think about. While you may already have thought through, considered and made several decisions, you’ve several more to think about, some of them thrilling.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

With both Venus and Mercury having already met your ruler Neptune, and the Sun encountering it in early March, your vision is clear and you’re at your most articulate and compelling. However, things won’t happen overnight. This not only means you must be patient but also explain your vision more than once.