Aries (March 20 – April 18)

Sometimes misunderstandings are no more than that. At the moment, however, they could be key to resolving perplexing situations for which hereto there’s been no solution. True, this means some investigation, probably in boring detail. Still, the results will be so informative that it will be well worth the effort.

Taurus (April 19 – May 19)

Feeling restless? It’s no surprise. With both your ruler, Venus, and Mercury in the most inquisitive portion of your chart, take advantage of whatever opportunities arise to broaden your horizons, socially, intellectually or even spiritually. What you learn and who you meet will add substantially to your life.

Gemini (May 20 – June 19)

You don’t think of yourself as headstrong. Yet, while you’ve agreed certain decisions are up to others, you’re trying to persuade them to rethink their plans. These circumstances are forcing you to acknowledge a stubborn side of your nature that rarely surfaces.

Cancer (June 20 – July 21)

Sympathetic as you may be about the differences those you’re close to are contending with, say the minimum. If you must be sympathetic, do it without giving advice. Because they don’t fully understand the issues involved, what they’ve told you is incorrect. The less you say, the better.

Leo (July 22 – August 21)

It would be no surprise if you were wrestling with issues involving others. The New Moon may still be a week away, but it accents all forms of close relationships and brings much-needed fresh perspective. Knowing that, look, listen and watch, but avoid making any lasting commitments, at least for now.

Virgo (August 22 – September 21)

Don’t be surprised if you’re confronted with a series of complex dilemmas. While over the past month or so you’d have blamed these on your ruler Mercury’s retrograde cycle, that ended a week ago. These are the result of the straightforward, but still tricky difficulties that are part of everyday life.

Libra (September 22 – October 21)

With both Mercury and your ruler, Venus, positioned to accent your domestic set-up, the balance between work and home life must be addressed, the time has come to make some decisions. Out of character as it is, make tentative if not imperfect plans. They’re the best possible starting point.

Scorpio (October 22 – November 20)

Beginning in late December, there was a series of encounters between the communication planet, Mercury, and your ruler, Pluto. The last was on January 30. While some of the discussions this triggered had been on your mind, others were so unexpected you’re still thinking over what was said.

Sagittarius (November 21 – December 20)

Although you rather enjoy sudden changes, especially if they’re also challenging, those coming your way now are complicated. The problem? Certain individuals insist on ensuring each detail is in place before moving onto the next. Steer clear of this to the extent you can, otherwise it will drive you crazy.

Capricorn (December 21 – January 19)

It’s easy to blame all of life’s complications on Mercury’s retrograde cycle, which ended on January 25. This week’s complex events prove that other planetary arrangements can be as challenging and revealing. They’re tricky, but the more patient you are in the process of dealing with them, the more you’ll learn.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

The pivotal Aquarius New Moon on next Monday is all about undoing the past. You won’t worry when things don’t seem be working out. In fact, your time is best invested in focusing on what must go, in the process you’ll be clearing the way for next week’s new developments.

Pisces (February 19 – March 19)

Watching people be unkind to each other is difficult for any Pisces. But that’s especially the case now, since certain issues have been in the air and remained unresolved since late last year. Still, these really aren’t yours to deal with. Be sympathetic if you must, but steer clear of giving advice.