

After several years of situations in which circumstances have forced you to slow your pace, often in ways you found irritating at the time, you’re beginning to realise how much you’ve learnt, and how valuable those insights were. Your current birthday chart accents the need to balance this patient approach with a new freedom to think and move swiftly, although perhaps with less impulsiveness than was the case in the past.

Aries March 20 – April 18

As an Aries and a fire sign, you enjoy change and the challenges it brings. But also, because your ruling planet Mars moves into a new sign and into a different portion of your chart, every six weeks, you’ll adapt swiftly to its recent shift to accent jointly held financial or business matters.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

Being told there’s disappointment in your stars may not seem promising. But you already sensed there was something amiss in one particular situation, so this discovery isn’t as much a surprise as it is a confirmation of what you suspected. Now that you know what’s what, you can consider your next step.

Gemini May 20 – June 20

Achieving an agreement or making arrangements everybody is happy with can be challenging at the best of times. But with your ruler Mercury retrograde, you’ve been juggling the unexpected twists so typical of this cycle. Disruptive as these are, in this particular case they’re not only welcome, they’re exactly what’s needed.

Cancer June 21 – July 21

Planning ahead may be a virtue and be reassuring. But during periods of transition, such as this is, you’re encouraged to regard even crucial plans as a bit of an experiment. This ensures you both keep the actual arrangements you make flexible but, even more continue to explore every option that comes your way.

Leo July 22 – August 21

Obviously, you can’t plan ahead for the unexpected. But you can take into account the likelihood of surprise twists and turns, so organise things in such a way that you can easily rethink things. This may be more complicated in the short term but, over the coming weeks, will make life far easier.

Virgo August 22 – September 21

While every sign is influenced by the confusion typical of Mercury’s retrograde cycle, because it’s your ruling planet, you tend to take any issues or problems more seriously than others. Now, however, what seem disruptive events are worth exploring. They may, in fact, be thrilling ideas or offers, but in disguise.

Libra September 22 – October 22

As December began, your ruler Venus moved into the most inquisitive portion of your chart, triggering a cycle of questioning and exploration. While you’ve already delved into several of these matters, many will be a surprise and some so unexpected, you’ve no idea what to think. Take it slowly. There’s no rush.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

On 22 October Mars moved into the relationship-minded Libra, triggering a cycle of review, discussion and growth with those closest, personally and out in the world. You’ve been discussing potential changes and made a few. Now that Mars has shifted into Scorpio, you’ll focus on changes of a more personal nature.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 20

You’re brilliant at dealing with sudden, if intriguing ideas and offers. Despite that, even you could be overwhelmed by the pace and range of what’s coming your way. The secret? View this as if it were an exciting drama, but one which is still unfolding. Any decisions can, and should, wait.

Capricorn December 21 – January 18

Although you probably sense change is in the air, what it is or how is unclear. That’s no surprise. On the 20th, your ruler Saturn returns to your sign for the first time in nearly thirty years. While you’ve hints of what’s ending, you’re unlikely to discover what’s coming until next week.

Aquarius January 19 – February 17

The opposition or setbacks you’ve been facing have been frustrating but, as you’re about to discover, have also been informative. In fact, the current powerful and positive links between both Mercury and the Sun to your ruler Uranus mean you’ll finally be able to take full advantage of those valuable insights.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

During the past six weeks or so, while Mars has been accenting practical, business or financial matters, you’ve had to concentrate on the issues to hand. True, you’ve accomplished a great deal. Still, you’ll be delighted to learn that Mars’s move into a new position shifts the focus to broadening your horizons.