Emma Watson departs a pre-Bafta party prematurely. Her reason; too many Slytherin baddies hanging about for Ms. Emma’s taste. Image Credit: WENN

I have two friends who went to Brown University. The first, a shy and mild mannered engineer, couldn't handle the partying and all night obnoxious behavior and transferred out - the other went on to front a rock and roll band. I'm not saying that Brown is the most debauched of the Ivy League schools, but it doesn't help the university's reputation much that the real life analogue of Hogwarts' star pupil, Emma Watson, is leaving after just one year. The New York Post has reported that Watson was constantly heckled on the Rhode Island campus, suffering taunts of "Three points for Gryffindor!” whenever she answered a question correctly in class.

Brown students aren't the only obnoxious louts among America's elite, apparently while attending the annual Brown v. Harvard game in Cambridge; Watson had to be escorted in and out of the stadium amid Potter themed barbs. We're guessing she left early anyway, having erroneously expected a proper football match.

After initially avoiding comment, Watson's rep refuted the reports, adding that Watson had "…absolutely loved her time at Brown.”