Welcome to the Pitta family. Let’s discover what makes this dosha work. Everyone agrees that good health is tied to balance. Balance, or homeostasis, is the cornerstone of Ayurveda which sees the ideal physical condition as when the tridoshas are in balance. An aggravated or depleted dosha creates imbalances. Invariably we are subject to imbalances related to our predominant dosha, so for example if you are a Pitta body type then your imbalances will mostly be Pitta related.

Pitta, the energy governed by fire, is the energy of digestion and metabolism, and aids in the assimilation of everything from sensory perceptions and ideas to food. The main locations of Pitta in the body are the small intestine, stomach, liver, spleen, pancreas, blood, eyes, and sweat.

In a Pitta body type, the bones are less conspicuous than in the Vata individual and muscle development is moderate. The skin is soft, warm and less dry than Vata skin. Hair is thin, silky with a tendency towards premature graying and hair loss. Eyes are bright, nails are soft and the shape of the nose is sharp. They have sharp teeth, tapering chin, sensitive teeth and a heart-shaped face. Pitta people seldom gain or lose much weight when in balance. They possess soft, oily skin and hair, and have excess urine, sweat and thirst.

Physiologically, their body temperature tends to be higher than average and as a result they dislike heat and cannot tolerate bright lights, which is why most Pitta individuals get stressed and tired during summer months and have warm hands and feet. Their sleep is of medium duration but uninterrupted.

Psychologically, a Pitta individual has a sharp memory, understanding and a probing mind coupled with discipline and intense ambition. They exhibit leadership qualities and are orderly, assertive, competitive, self-confident and enjoy challenges. They make good public speakers but are also capable of sharp, sarcastic and cutting speech. They also like to spend money and surround themselves with beautiful objects.

An imbalanced Pitta can result in the individual suffering from a negative reaction to the environment. This can be a reaction to the heat or bright lights or stress. When imbalanced, they tend to be irritable, stubborn, judgmental and cynical and are capable of strong feelings of anger, rage, hate, jealousy and an out-of-control ego. As leaders, when imbalanced, they become aggressive, impatient, demanding and pushy. Dr Chandy says, “There is an old Ayurvedic saying: ‘An imbalanced Pitta individual doesn’t go to hell; he or she simply creates it wherever they go.”

Physically, a Pitta imbalance includes problems like rash or inflammation of the skin, acne, boils, bleeding gums, ulcers, heartburn, hot sensations in the stomach or intestines, insomnia, bloodshot or burning eyes, other vision problems, anaemia, jaundice, and more than usual volume of urination,

To remain balanced, a Pitta individual should avoid excess heat or humidity and exercise only during the cooler hours. They should also avoid excessively oily food or fried foods as well as caffeine, alcohol, red meat, hot spices, or salt, choosing instead to eat fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains. Pitta types should also try to get plenty of fresh air and not suppress emotions as it has a very strong negative impact on their body