The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant’s (Isil) violence against Christians and other minority groups in Iraq is utterly disgusting and completely unacceptable. They call themselves ‘Islamic state’, but let me remind you before you start judging Muslims, that the actions of Isil has nothing to do with Islam and will never be justified.

As Muslims, we are taught to respect all human beings, irrespective of their religion. I have seen various pictures and posts circulating on social networking sites condemning Muslims for what Isil are doing to minority groups in various parts of Iraq and it saddens me because these Islamists are defaming the picture of my religion. Everyone should know that, irrespective of your religion, we are all brothers and sisters at the end of the day, and instead of opposing each other, we should unite and stand strong against such accusations.

Before judging, be sure to know that what you read about Isil in the media — that they are murderers following a fictional version of Islam and trying to justify it by killing innocent people. This is definitely not the case and Islam has never been and will never be a religion that should be used to advocate violence.

Instead of pointing fingers, teaming up and creating more of the ‘us’ against ‘you’ theory, let’s stand up and show that in fact, there are no differences and just like how Muslims, Christians and Jews lived happily in Iraq back in the days, they still can and will. So, instead of spreading hate and create more differences, let’s spread love, and not war.

­— Mohannad Al Zoubaydi is an Iraqi student based in Gothenburg, Sweden