Abu Dhabi: An interactive map of Al Ain city has been completed by Abu Dhabi Civil Defence General Directorate and Al Ain Municipality.

The interactive map offers accurate site coordinates, data and information that will contribute to protecting people’s lives and property, through the integration of three fundamental programs into one program on one site.

“The interactive map will provide a common database for both sides, especially that related to specialised sections at the Civil Cefence centres, such as field survey; and will also provide a detailed description of every area and district in Al Ain city, along with offering a detailed database, such as population size and gender and the number of organisations in the city, such as schools and hospitals,” said Lieutenant Colonel Mohammad Abdul Jaleel Al Ansari, director-general of Abu Dhabi Civil Defence

“The maps will be easily accessible with all the information by integrating the database program (GBS) used by the Civil Defence, (GIS) database program used by Al Ain Municipality and the database into one site,” added Al Ansari. The interactive maps will be updated continuously by both the Civil Defence and municipality.

Major Muzzaffar Al Ameri, head of the Civil Defence centres in Al Ain, said that this project is the first of its kind across the country and is aligned with the Ministry of Interior’s strategy to ensure readiness and preparedness in disaster and crises through speedy intervention and efficient performance.