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Although every sign is influenced by the fact Mercury’s ending its retrograde cycle, the fact this takes place on your birthday means that several once-confusing elements of your life will become much clearer. While, you’ve probably already had some of these in mind, and been working diligently to resolve these, others could come together suddenly, if not miraculously. In every case, first simply celebrate the fact things are less complicated. Then, later, invest time in exploring what went wrong, and what’s now going right.

Aries March 20 – April 18

Coming up with a plan that would work in practical terms is one thing. But keeping people happy is quite another matter. In fact, it’s proving to be nearly impossible. Waste no time trying to explain the facts. Instead, quietly continue with arrangements you know will work. Ultimately, others will thank you.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

It may seem somebody is trying to back off from arrangements they previously agreed to. Although their manoeuvres may seem underhand, it’s worth asking them what’s up. And do it soon. Their explanation is likely to be as unexpected as it is informative and, better yet, will be a huge relief.

Gemini May 20 – June 20

The last thing you’re in the mood for are lengthy discussions about already tricky issues. But, ironically, with your ruler Mercury ending its retrograde cycle and accenting all forms of close alliances, the more of those issues you tackle now, the more you’ll be able to put to rest, and for good.

Cancer June 21 – July 21

Few things are more difficult than watching others argue about issues that, approached wisely, could be dealt with swiftly and easily. But the individuals in question are in no mood for reasoned discussion. Back off and leave them to work things out for themselves. It’s best for everybody concerned.

Leo July 22 – August 21

Somebody seems to think that their expertise about certain matters gives them a right to confront you about issues of an entirely different nature. While, obviously, this is irritating, try to keep it in proportion. The actual situation in question isn’t that important. The less you say, the more swiftly it will pass.

Virgo August 22 – September 21

Only days ago you’d assumed you could put off dealing with domestic or family issues for a while. But now they’re urgent. Or so it seems. Actually this has more to do with others’ feelings than hard facts. That being the case, focus on discussing potential solutions but sidestep any lasting commitments.

Libra September 22 – October 22

With the Sun challenging both the inventive Uranus and Jupiter, planet of good fortune, over the next few days, even surprise changes are bound to work out well. The trick is to bear that in mind when those unexpected events arise. That way, instead of struggling with them, you’ll go with the flow.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

Seemingly simple decisions are complicated by either promises made to others to keep certain facts under wraps or your own need for privacy. True, you needn’t reveal these now. Bear in mind, however, that by Mercury’s encounter with your ruler Pluto, on the 29th, you’ll need to discuss these openly.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 20

Over the past few weeks, things have been moving swiftly. This has included a series of events as exciting as, now that you’re looking back on them, they’ve been demanding or, perhaps, expensive. Take a moment to assess these costs and, whatever their nature, take the measures necessary to balance the budget.

Capricorn December 21 – January 18

As a Capricorn, you have a cautious streak. You worry that celebrating exciting news tempts fate. Those around you have commented on this, and how it can undermine the joy of achievement. Now, finally, you’re beginning to recognise the truth of this and, even more, learn how to truly savour life’s joys.

Aquarius January 19 – February 17

Every once in a while, it’s time to shed parts of the past, almost as certain elements of the animal kingdom shed an old skin as they grow. Acknowledge this and, instead of struggling to retain those familiar elements of your life, you’ll say farewell, then enthusiastically embrace the future.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

While there are times when it’s wise to double check the facts, with Mercury just ending its retrograde cycle, this is by no means one of them. If anything, you’re better off trusting what your instincts tell you, both about plans for the future and those individuals who are involved.